The Message

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Songs for this chapter are:

Drake:  Hold on were going home 

Mandy's Pov...

" Nathan " I reply shaking him awake after the car crashed into something the window screen is smashed 

" What the fuck happened " He reply's wiping blood from his healing wounds 

" We hit something " I reply kicking the door of the car causing it to fly open 

" Oh my god " I say and zoom next to the man laid out on the road 

" Nathan " I shout and soon he is by my side 

" Is he dead ? " I ask as Nathan tries to find a pulse 

" Yeah but you didn't kill him " Nathan replies turning the mans hand to show me his daylight ring 

" Hes a Vampire ? " I question confused 

" Yeah " Nathan pauses " Help me " 

" What ? " I ask 

" Get him in the trunk quick " Nathan says and I begin to move the man with Nathan and his eyes flicker open startling me and I drop his leg 

The man stands up and dusts himself down and looks at me and then at Nathan.

" Carl ? " Nathan asks and the mans face remains blank 

" You know him ? " I ask and the mans stair is putting me on edge 

" Yeah we go way back " Nathan says and Carl pulls something and fires it at Nathan a wooden piece of wood 

" He wants you dead both of you " He states simply and turns his aim at me but I zoom out of the way and pull the man to his knees and Nathan stands over him

" He's compelled " Nathan says 

" what but that's impossible only Originals can compel other Vampires right ? " I ask and punch the man unconscious  

" No actually any Vampire turned or created by the Original family can also compel other Vampires " Nathan says and picks up the man and dumps him in the trunk then he pushes out the busted window screen and gets in 

We are driving home I assume " What if he wakes up " I ask Nathan 

" Then he will burn to death " Nathan replies showing me the mans daylight ring 

" Is that really true ? " I ask as we pull into the driveway of our house 

" What ? " Nathan asks even though I know he knows what I mean 

" The compulsion thing ? " I ask and brace myself for the answer 

" Yeah " He casually replies shrugging his shoulders 

" And you never told me " I say quietly and sigh 

" Babe some fucking compelled lunatic just tried to kill us we have more important things to do  right now " Nathan gets out of the car and pops open the trunk 

The man lifts up but ducks back down as the sun burns him he practically hisses at Nathan 

" Polly want a cracker " Nathan says waving the daylight ring in front of the man 

and then the mans phone rings and he answers it and me and Nathan listen with out hearing in on the call 

" Give them the message he has everything he needs for now you're done " The other person speaks over the phone 

" I'm done ? " The man asks 

" You are done " and the phone hangs up 

I look at Nathan confused and at the man cowering in the trunk 

" I have a message for you both its not over he is coming " The man says and Nathan looks just as confused as me 

" Who is ? " Me and Nathan say at the same time 

" All I know is I'm done " the man says before jumping from the trunk and bursting into flames without his daylight ring he burns to ashes in front of us leaving me and Nathan shocked.

2 hours later ...

" Nathan who do you think that man was talking about ? who is coming ? " I ask as we lay on the couch 

" no one seriously I told you I'm an Original that makes me basically unkillable babe don't worry " But I hear a sliver of uncertainty behind his words 

" But I'm not " I sigh and Nathan cups my chin for me to look at him 

" You was created by the Original family that gives you power a lot of power over normal Vampires " And I cant resist 

" You mean like Compulsion " His eyes glass over into slightly angry " Nathan why didn't you tell me I could do that ? " I ask feeling angry myself 

" I don't know OK I didn't think " his eyes are angry 

" So I can compel other Vampires " I say my lips turning into a grin 

" Yes and why are you smiling " Nathan asks and grins himself 

" I could compel you right now to do anything I wanted you too " and his eyes turn from angry to animalistic as a grin tugs at his lips 

" Oh Really give it a try " He challenges grinning  infectious so I do 

I lock eyes with him " Kiss me " I say and watch as his eyes change he leans his head towards me inches from my lips and then turns his head 

" I'm sorry I'm on vervain " He laughs and I stand up 

" Nathan " I huff but he is laughing at me " Wait what you're on Vervain ? how is that even possible ? " I ask and he pats the seat and I take a seat 

" I have drank a little Vervain everyday since 1865 built up a tolerance to it I guess still burns like a bitch though " He laughs and I say 

" Why that year 1865? " before I ask but I'm pretty sure I all ready know the answer " It was Lady Pearl wasn't it her dad vervained you and forced you to leave her in 1864 " I speak remembering the tale he once told me 

" Honestly yes but that's not the only reason the other reason is I did not want to be vulnerable to other Vampires even my siblings so if you want to try it you can but be warned it burns like a bitch  " He reply's 

" OK I understand but   Nathan a compelled Vampire just barbecued himself in our front yard I'm getting on Vervain weather you like it or not " I reply serious with him 

He eyes me for a second and nods " Fine if you are sure  " He zooms and returns with a glass of Blood and another glass of what looks like whiskey 

" I made it light drink the blood first then the whiskey/vervain be warned though its nasty and it burns like a bitch " Nathan says and I nod 

" I know but at least I wont be able to be compelled " I say and gulp the blood and bring the other glass to my lips 

" Down in one " Nathan speaks and I gulp it down at first its fine and then I cough and all I want to do is throw it back up but Nathan holds my back as I cough until the burning stops 

" Fuck that was horrible " I say as the burning in my chest stops 

Nathan eyes lock into mine " Kiss me " He tries to compel me and I shake the empty glass at him and laugh but lean in and kiss him anyway.  

We are laid in bed a few hours later 

" Nathan who do you think it was who is coming ? " I ask and his voice is fuzzy he is falling asleep 

" Probably an old enemy or some shit don't worry sleep " He says rolling over 

But sleep doesn't come that easily to me as I stare at the ceiling and wonder whats to come next in the endless drama that is Nandys life ...

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