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The Malfoys. If you were anybody in the wizarding world, you would know who they were. Their age-old family stood tall, producing powerful wizards and witches, their lineage was kept pure and pristine, only the best of the best. On paper, their family was simply perfect, rich, powerful and pureblooded: one could only wish to be born to one of them. However, no one actually wished to be a Malfoy, in fact everyone feared them and for good reason. They were more widely known to be the loyal servants of the power-crazed dark wizard that was simply not be named. Even with the recent disappearance of the wizard, the Malfoys still believed in his coming again, holding the fort down till the real owner came back. The Malfoys were rotten and they knew it – rather they wore it with pride. They believed that they were better than everyone else and swore to teach them to the two precious bundles that arrived in their lives.

Nerissa Malfoy could never forget the two precious days where she truly felt that they were simply a normal family. The days where her two children were born, saw Lucius stone cold heart softening for even a second, precariously caring both their children and smiling at them with bright eyes – something she never saw again. She knew he always wanted children, even though she was hesitant on his hard teaching styles, she never doubted him. She was not like her sisters, she knew she loved this man, and therefore, respected him for all his flaws. Her first child looked so much like his father inheriting his father name as a middle name while her second child was almost a carbon copy of herself except for the light hair.

Her days as a stay home mother was filled with joy as she saw the two bright young children running around the halls, showing off how much they have learnt from their private lessons or extra readings to their parents. The Malfoy's home was cold but the two young children brought her all the warmth she needed. She was worried however, her youngest child often showed much magical potential but was stuck next to her brother. In front of her father, she seemingly coward in fear. She grimaced as a memory flowed into her brain watching the two children practicing their potions.

It was a cold winter day, the world seemed to put a damper on the mood as Lucius Malfoy walked into the dining room. His face was stiff and dark, his presence alone was able to cause the temperature of the room to plummet, everything seemed to freeze over. His eyes darted in between his two children. Draco looked up at his father, meeting his eyes and confidently greeted his father the way they were taught, however, the younger child Andromeda did not meet his eyes. She did the necessary to escape from punishment but it was obvious to anyone watching the young one was filled with fear. Under the table her hands picked each other, tearing just slightly at the skin. Lucius just sighed as he sat down, he would never hide his disappointment thinking to himself, how on earth such a timid child came out from two strong character. He knew the only reason he tolerated Andromeda's lack of character strength was simply because she hold potential, he saw her magic, she was a prodigy. Not just a normal one, one that could battle merlin himself, someone special born one every thousands – no million- moons. Having her serving the dark lord would bring him and his family much respect, so he tolerated the child.

Of course, Andromeda knew this as well, that was why she hid in her older brother's shadow. She knew that one wrong move on her part could throw her into a hurricane of trouble. However, she enjoyed that life. Andromeda enjoyed simply excelling in what she was doing, she wanted approval and upholding her family name of course, but she knew that she was too timid so she shoved the publicity to her brother, instead she will uphold her family name by making significant contributions in the fields she was simply talented in. Draco on the other hand loved the attention showered on him. He knew of his sister's brilliance but was never frazzled by it. He knew his sister was only showing it off to prove that she had some use, that she could uphold the name. He was not any worse of a wizard, she was just special and he was proud. Draco was proud of his powerful sister and willingly stood in front of her to protect her.

And so the Malfoys were a family unit, they were no way normal but they made it work. It always worked out. That is till their letter from Hogwarts came. A soft hoot appeared at the door and a snowy owl entered the dark hall of the Malfoy manner. It dropped off a creamed parchment with a crimson read stamp addressed to Draco Lucius Malfoy. The young boy ran out to pick the letter and quickly ran into his younger sister's study. Draco violently shook her sister out of her trance, snapping up he proudly showed his sister his letter.

"Look! My letter from Hogwarts came!" he smiled, she cheered along. The pure excitement of the child was immediately shattered as their father walked into the room. He placed his wand on Draco's shoulder and the young boy slowly turned around. His voice suddenly dropped, staring at his father. With a quiet but confident voice, he spoke once more this time much more solemn. "Father" He started, "my letter came, I will be reporting in school for the sorting ceremony in a month's time. I will need to gather the school supplies soon and will reply to the letter later today." He looked towards his father who simply removed the wand from his side and pointed to his study. Andromeda watched as to two figures disappeared down the hall. She smiled softly to herself. Draco in Hogwarts, she thought silently to herself. Turning back to her book, she was filled with anticipation for when her letter came for her. She was excited to escape from this house, she knew that it was a beautiful home and her mother and brother loved her dearly but her father scared her endlessly. She felt she was walking on egg shells in this house. She thought that she would be free in the other world, that she could reinvent herself to be like her brother that she looked up too. She secretly swore to herself to become someone else, someone sparkly in school. She wanted to be loved and adored by the people around her and not shunned, a socialite like her mother. Her mind filled up with endless stories and plans that she would have in school and then another idea popped in her mind. If she were to go to Hogwarts maybe she could meet the famous harry potter. She knew that he was known as the boy who lived that was destined to either be the destruction of their family or the one to win the war for them, she needed to know which he would choose and do everything to protect what needs to be protected. She looked at her book once more, but the time had flew by while she was day dreaming. Her eyes wandered to the clock next to her desk, she sighed. She had nothing done that day again. She pushed herself out of her desk and went down the ivory steps to the dining room. Taking her place next to Draco, she could not help but notice the sparkle in his eyes being tainted with a hint of worry. She looked at the plate place before by the house elf, she knew what that face meant. Her father gave Draco an assignment. She waited for her father to eat first before she started picking at her food.

"Andromeda Nerissa Malfoy" the man's commanding voice started. She immediately looked up staring at his eyebrows. She found out if she stared there her father would think she was staring at him but would allow her to have some pressure off direct eye contact. "you will be attending Hogwarts with your brother, even though it is a year early, it is safer for you to be with him" he paused, and Andromeda's shoulders tightened. "least you disparity our family name" emphasising the phrase. Andromeda was used to this, she convinced herself it was because her father was worried for her, but her heart knew better. She forced a tight lipped smile and nodded. "I understand father, I will get ready". She remained frozen till her father turned back to the meal. Her shoulders softened but her eyes were harden. She was excited, that was true, but she was still scared. She was not ready for Hogwarts and oh god the sorting, what if she was not sorted into Slytherin? Her father would disown her. She was careful to not sigh and make any sound. Beneath the table, she felt a hand stretched out to comfort her, holding the hand she looked from the corner of her eye to Draco and he did the same. Everything will be okay as long as I have Draco beside me. He will protect me.  

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