The sorting

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The first years were then escorted down many hallways with paintings that came to live whenever they passed by. Andromeda was simply amazed as the experience flooded her young mind. This was better than any scene she had read in the countless books she had read and more beautiful than anything she saw back at the Malfoy Manor. This was true greatness she thought to herself. The first years were then stopped by a professor, who was introduced as McGonagall. She briefed us on what we were to do later in the hall and told us to wait here till she comes back. Her speech was fascinating and fluent except for when the toad of Neville suddenly appeared causing him to interrupt the professor. She felt her brother stirring beside her and immediately let go. Her brother, with his flare for the dramatics walked towards Harry Potter.

"So the rumours are true?" he started, as Andromeda tried to hold back whatever emotions she was going to feel. "Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts" Reaching out a hand toward Harry, the boy continued "That's Crabbe and Goyle" he said nodding his head towards the two. "And I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and that is my sister, Andromeda Malfoy". Unconsciously, the girl curtsied while cursing at her brother in her head. The Weasley snicker again, seeming to never learn. Draco, insulted by the act retaliated. "Think my names funny do you? No need to ask yours, read hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley" He said taunting the boy. He turns to Harry and smiles, "You see Potter, some wizarding families are better than others and you don't want to go with the wrong sort. I can help with that" shooting the red head another dirty look. His hand reached for a handshake with Harry, but the boy did not want to receive it, instead Harry just replied curtly saying that he could tell the wrong sort for himself, adding a sarcastic "thanks". The tension seemed to rise in the hallway but the tensions was broken with the knife as Professor McGonagall tapped Draco on the shoulder with her wand.

She smiled as she went on, "we are ready for you" and the two large doors burst open revealing a large dining room with four tables. Each table donned their respective house colour and had their banners canopying over them. The room glowed a warm yellow colour and the rest of the students were sat at either side of the table necks turned to look at the new students. The flock of first years walked towards the platform with all the professors. Dumbledore then started with a simple speech welcoming the students for a new year and introduced the sorting hat which McGonagall held with pride. The students she called would come forward and have their houses sorted by this magical hat.

Andromeda could not seem to focus on what was going on. The names of students were called and they were easily sorted into their various houses. She knew she should belong in Slytherin like everyone else in her family right? Her eyes were filled with anticipation and worry.

"Granger, Hermione". The girl with the bushy hair walked up toward the hat and sat nervously on the seat, the hat that was placed on her head sprung to life and shouted "Gryffindor". She snickered as the hat was place on Weasley's head, with the hat complaining about how "another Weasley" had come. Potter's sorting seemed to be a complicated one, but he seemed to have a vendetta against being in Slytherin requesting the hat to not put him there. When Draco's name was called, the hat had barely touched the tip of his head before it screamed "Slytherin". Andromeda's eyes glowed with pride but as soon as that feeling came it left and she was called.

"Malfoy, Andromeda" She walked forward with as much pride and confidence she could master. This time the hat touch her head and a voice flooded her mind.

Hmmm, I see a lot of bravery in here and thirst of knowledge... the voice resounded in my brain. Oh you are in here too? I thought. The hat snickered, of course, I need to decide what to put you in, oh! The hate exclaimed as if finding something indeed, cunning, resourceful and full of wit. The next line was no longer in my head "It must be Slytherin!" She smile brightly. Across the hall, her brother cheered but the people she saw from the train seemed to have fallen faces. She settled myself next to my brother, back facing the boy I met on the train.

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