The trapdoor

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Andromeda after being thrown such a big blow throw herself back to her books, she told no one of what she heard and saw that night, it was her own secret and no one could know, she wanted to understand what he meant. The days crept by as she shut herself in the library to study before heading back to Fluffy's corridor to sleep. She had seldom slept in her room, choosing to stay with the large dog who cared for her like its own, snuggling with her and giving her warmth. Her relationship with the golden trio, well 2/3s of the golden trio improve, the two respected her and had a good relationship with her while the third, Ron, didn't trust her as much, but she didn't blame him, she didn't trust herself much either.

It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an anti-cheating spell. They had practical exams as well. Professor Flitwick called them one by one into his class to see if they could make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk. Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox giving points on the aesthetics and like-ness to the box. Snape had made them brew a Forgetfulness potion, which Andromeda thought to be quite ironic. She had tired herself with both quidditch practice and studying to force herself to sleep and if she couldn't she would study or stay up talking to Fuffly who as an extremely good therapist. The three heads often bickered with each other which brought a smile to her face.

Throughout the exams, Andromeda was just stressed. She would break down after nearly every exam and cried for an hour, waiting for it all to be over, she knew she would do well on the test, but she had just so many emotions that were overwhelming her system: the drive to be the best, her future, her safety, her loved ones safety; there was too much on her mind and it buzzed with so many things that she had to cry, to let it out, but she could never cry long for there was always another exam to prepare and cram for.

After the exams, Blaise and Daphne were so relieved they were over that they joined the rest of the slytherins in the common room for a post exam party, she excused herself from the party and the pair looked worriedly at her. She tried to shrug it off saying she just needed sleep and A LOT OF IT after staying up to study for the exams, to which they laughed and agreed, leaving her alone. She sat up next to Fluffy and patted the creature, maybe she was really tired because sleep came over her and Fluffy snuggled her into their chest lying over her as if to protect her.

Andromeda fell asleep till she had heard foot steps walking towards the room and Fluffy stood up growling. It had pushed her behind on of their paws standing up shielding her from the attackers. The door creaked, low, rumbling growls emitted from the dogs. The three noses sniffed madly in their direction, even though it couldn't see them. Andromeda stood trembling behind the dog's paw.

"What's that at its feet?" she heard a whisper... that voice sounded familiar. She poked her head out of the paw and saw the three friends standing at the door, her eyes beamed at them.

"its okay fluffy they are friends!" She said to the three headed dog

"You sure about that, smells like trouble" the first head said turning to her

"No way! They are my friends promise" she replied giggling at the head who was previously whimpering to her about how boring it had been before she came.

The dogs stood back and relaxed back onto the ground and they stopped growling at the trio. They stood wide eye at her, their face puzzled.

" can speak dog?" Hermione asked.

"No? I can understand them though, don't know why" Andromeda whispered to her. The boys looked stunned and she cleared her throat, she knew why they were here she led them to the trapdoor. Harry was the first to lower himself through the hole until he was hanging on by his fingertips. He looked up at the three and said, "if anything happens to me don't follow. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore right?" The three nodded as he let go.

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