The Wooden Box

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I don’t know whether or not people will read this but I knew I had to write everything down Just in case. I didn’t know where to start so I decided to start at the beginning.

It was the first day back at school. I was awoken by my mother mid-sentence screaming at me to

get up ‘..Because you’re going to be late and I’m not driving you’ she bellowed down the

Hallway. ‘Yes mum I’m having my shower now’ I called back however

I had no intention of Moving. Ten minutes later I was showered and

Ready, running out to the kitchen to grab my Lunch and go mum was waiting near the door, my lunch dangling from her left hand ‘thank you’ I said rolling my eyes. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. Our house is about 8 miles down from the nearest town so my bus driver is very impatient. when I got on the bus the bus Driver (ken) gave me a stern look and I knew he was not impressed.


Getting off the bus after school that day I had no idea that nothing would be same again, walking up my long driveway I knew something wasn’t right, no one was home but the car Was in the driveway ‘that’s funny’ i thought to myself ‘maybe mums taken a walk down to the

Stream?’  Our house is more of a farm and the only nice part of our land was a small stream running along the paddock. we owned 300 acres of land but majority was taken up by a large Forest out the back and the rest was just grass and trees.

 dad left when I was 6 therefore mum was

A single parent, because of this mum didn’t have the time to tidy up around the barn area and

Look after animals on top of looking after my older brother drake and me instead everything was Dead and Bare.

To most people being home alone in my house would be terrifying especially with the Forest so close to my room window, but to me it wasn’t, I knew I was the only one for miles so Why worry, but today was different, a cold chill went down my back an I felt the sensation like something or someone was watching me, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on their ends And I felt fear consume me I ran inside and locked the door. I went into the kitchen and picked up the phone to call mum and see how long she would be, but when I picked up the headset there was no dial tone. ‘this is really weird’ I thought to myself hearing something drop behind me I quickly swung around on my heels, to my horror turning around to see a man With dark brown hair and tan skin staring at me with a grin I noticed he was holding drake’s Pocket knife. I was frozen with fear I let out a blood curdling scream the man was blocking the front door so reacting quickly I ran Down the hall I knew if I could make it to my back door it would be ok. Just As I reached the back door I heard a car come up the driveway.


The minute I was out of The house, I ran to my big brother screaming frantically tripping over my words to tell him about Our visitor, my brother suddenly looked aware and turned to stone as if he knew who had been in Our house drake suddenly grabbed my shoulders he shook me abruptly stay here and don’t move He whispered sternly before running inside the house. I heard screaming and yelling,

Only picking up bits and pieces of their hostile conversation ‘owe me……

Something glass broke and more shouting of words I couldn’t quite make out. It seemed that there was more furniture knocked and thrown before my brother called for me to run. although I was reluctant to

Leave my brother I did as he instructed and ran deep into the forest and hid behind an old oak tree.


To my horror about 5 minutes later I heard footsteps and crunching on the right behind the tree then a voice ‘leave her

Alone!!! This is between you and me not her!’ ‘I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this drake” the

Man replied then i heard a gunshot and something hit the ground. I came out from behind the tree I let out an agonizing scream as a result of seeing my brother lying in a pool of blood.

And then the rain, forcing its way down likes ice shards, nailing into my back. I turned to face Him, the pelting rain washing away the stale tears that once littered my face.

‘Why? Why don’t you just tell me what you want from me?!   I screamed. My brother’s murderer turned to face me, a smile of content plastering his face. Seeing how happy he was made my stomach twist, a fresh batch of tears rolled down my red puffy cheeks,

 ‘Why do you think I want something from you?’ he asked, amused.

My blood boiled, he was laughing and my brother was dead.


He was dead because of him.

He took a step towards me, then another. I froze where I was.

Maybe it was fear, I don’t know, but I couldn’t move. My legs were lead and my eyes fixed, taking in every detail of the killer that was now inches away from my face. I wanted so badly to scream, but like before my voice was lost. 

I couldn’t say or do anything

Why would I want to harm you?’ he whispered, while stroking my swollen red cheek with his thumb.

Then without another word he turned and walked into the darkness.

All that was left was silence. Alone and scared I ran faster than I thought was possible, thoughts pounding in my head, yelling, screaming to be let free. I was confused and anxious to get home to see my mother’s welcoming face.

When I opened the door I froze, the place where I grew up, I was so desperate to get back to. It was trashed, plates smashed across the floor, furniture heaped in the corner, covering the back door. The place I was so familiar with was now a crime scene. On the bench was a piece of paper that read “your next” I take a step back shaking in fear before crawling to the corner of the room, I hug my feet to my chest, hot tears filled my eyes and my vision became blurry. 

What was happening?  I was cold, scared alone and confused.  I felt something watching me it sent chills down my back. I decided then, it was no longer safe for me here, I had to get out and fast.

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