𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻: 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙺𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚟𝚛𝚊

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Your POV----

My alarm rings at 6:50 a.m. Stupid alarm, I shrug. I just want to sleep. Like how hard is it to ask for that. My lazy ass, slowly but surely gets out of bed. I rub my eyes in ways towards the bathroom for my daily morning routine of; shower, hair, little bit of makeup, and get dresses. After I finish doing that I go to my dresser and get my Slytherin tie, put it on, and then get my robe. Once I'm all ready, I top it all off with making my bed. As my fancy, I know, morning routine has come to an end I leave the dorms and head downstairs for breakfast. When I arrive in the Great Hall, I see Malfoy sitting there writing something, so I walk over.

"What you writing there Draco?" I question him, as he shut the book as fast as he could.

"Um, nothing really. Just thoughts." He responds.

Suspicious to me. Malfoy actually having thoughts of other shit besides himself. Truly bizarre. Breakfast comes to an end and I have a free period today with Hermione, so we decide to go outside and walk around a bit, catch up on things.

"Y/n! Girly how have you been! We haven't talked in a while!" Hermione exclaimed with happiness.

"I know! I've been so busy with stupid Potions class, and all of that studying. You know tests, and all that bullshit." I respond with laughter.

"Oh trust me I know." Hermione states.

From a distance we hear a hey and this tall, brunette boy running towards us in yellow. Must be a  Hufflepuff. Hermione and I turn around. Hermione just roles her eyes.

"Hey! I'm Cedric Diggory, I just haven't been able to catch you lately. But I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna walk around or something. Get some lunch from the restaurants on campus." He looks at me with a sweet face as if he's asking for a sweet yes back.

"Oh, um ya sure. I don't see why not. Lets meet here after school and we will go from there." I responded.

"Alright great. See you then." Cedric nods his head and walks back.

Hermione and I walk back onto campus to finish our classes, and I'm pretty excited to get to know this kid. Let me tell you, he's hot piece of shit. As school comes to an end, I grab my stuff and I'm on my way to meet up with Diggory.

"Hey Ced!" I reply with.

"Oh hey! Didn't see you there! Let's go and walk around Miss Y/n. But tell me about Ilvermorny." Cedric replies as if he was a true gentleman.

"Oh it's such a nice school. But to be completely honest, I like Hogwarts a lot better." I respond with laughing. Cedric and I are having a great time but we approach another guy, well we bump into him. He seems very concerned.

"Diggory, what are you doing?" Tom asks in concern.

"I'm just hanging out with the new girl that's all, showing her around and getting to know her." Cedric replies.

"Listen you need to be careful, if Malfoy sees you with her its not going to go well." Riddle answers.

Cedric looks at him, "Um ok, thanks Tom." But I turn around and I see him. Malfoy standing there frozen still. He looks angry. Pissed off. all I say to myself is, oh shit. Soon Cedric also looks back, and knows. Draco runs, and turns the corner into the bathroom, Cedric follows him.

"Malfoy, I'm sorry, I didn't know you two had a thing going on, or that you liked, possibly loved her." Diggory states in fear.

"Stay away from me, and I don't love her, I've never loved, Diggory." Draco replies in huge anger.

"Draco, man I'm sorry--" Cedric replies, but soon to get cut off.

"I told you to fuck off Diggory! And this time you will forever. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Malfoy points his wand straight at Cedric.

I run in with fear and shock, "Draco! What the fuck!" I start crying. Harry walks in. 

"Malfoy, of course you heartless soul." As he zaps his wand and a spell at Draco.

Harry and Draco now throw spells at each other. Hermione walks in with shock.

"BOYS! Just Stop! Please!" I cry out screaming as Hermione, leans over me and gives me a hug. 

"It will be ok Y/n, it will be ok." Hermione responds shedding a lonesome tear.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note: Hey! Thank you for those of you reading these so far! It makes me so happy because I enjoy writing, especially writing this story. I'll be updating as much as sometimes twice a day so always stay tuned, vote and comment. Much Love Darlings <3 

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