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Name Y/N Shimura

Parents (Dead)

Baby sister (Alive)

Lives in the home his Mother left him

And he has a power of an esper and he was born with two quirks

Quirk 1: Absorb 

He can absorb peoples quirks and use them a full power but he can only handle 11 so far.

Quirks he took: nullificaition, portal, purple flame, Metal Manipulation, weapon creation, clone, Mega regeneration.

Quirk 2: Electrode (powers are like rail gun)

Esper power: Vector Control.

Age: 16

Sister: Eri Shimura

Likes: Eri, his parents, Jiro, Mina, Momo, Nijire, Black coffee, Real heros.

Dislike U.A, fake heros, villains, A.F.O.

That all for the bio.

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