Secrets and Sins

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Lucifer hummed, satisfied with that answer, "Fine, I'll drop it, what are we making?"

"We are not making anything, you are going to bed while I make us brownies." Riley demanded, a proud smirk on her face.

Lucifer stood there with a plain expression, "Your funny.."

Riley rolled her eyes and began mixing, Lucifer sat there, "Do you not know how to make brownies?"

Lucifer avoided eye contact sheepishly, "Never had to."

Riley smiled, handing him the bowl, "I'll teach you."

It was kind of useless for Lucifer to learn how to make brownies, and if anyone asked he would reply with 'why do I need brownies when I have plenty of sweet things to eat' but with Riley, he wanted to learn everything with her.

"I regret ever wanting to teach you." Said a covered in brownie mix Riley.

Lucifer chuckled, "Well then, does that mean there's no other baking days?"

"I never said that." She said quickly, her eyes locking with his.

Lucifer was conflicted, why was he feeling all warm inside. He wasn't aroused. He was just, so happy when he was with her. Something he doesn't usually feel around women.

"Why do you make me feel this way?" Lucifer blurted out unintentionally.

Riley blushed and looked away, stuffing one of the brownies in her mouth. She shrugged and sat at the kitchen table.

Lucifer followed her, checking the time to see it was already 6 o'clock. He ushered her off the chair.

"W-Wha?! What are you doing Lucifer?"

He picked her up, walking out the door, "It's breakfast time."

Riley rolled her eyes and jumped out of his grasp, "I thought we decided on 8, why 6?"

He shrugged, "Maybe we have to be at the office early."

"Yeah righ-"

Vmmm, vmmmm, vmmm

Riley eyed Lucifer suspiciously, "Hello?"

"Heya Riley its Ella! We need you a bit early can you be here at 7?"

Riley glared at Lucifer who had a smug look on his face, "Yeah, I'll be there, everything alright?"

Ella hummed, looking over at Dan who had a pretty graphic case file lying on his desk, "The case is kind of, bad. It's pretty bad.."

Riley frowned, "Okay be there by 7."

Lucifer smirked and winked at Riley, "Told you so."

"Shut up and get in the car."
Riley and Lucifer enjoyed a nice breakfast at the IHOP near the strip, Riley got a English breakfast while Lucifer got waffles and sausage.

Then they headed out, Lucifer wanted to drive but Riley knew better.

"Yeah right, I, trust you with driving my car. No thank you." Riley said, her keys dangling on her ring finger.

Lucifer pouted, "Why not?"

Riley looked at him like he was stupid, "I've seen your record, ain't no way I'm letting you drive my car."

"That was one time!!"

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