Chapter 6

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Kenma and Shoyo made it to the train station just in time. The two sat down together and neither of them spoke. Kenma started wondering why Shoyo wasn't going off about the previous matches.

"I'm sorry I interrupted you guys earlier. Honestly, I heard his confession." Shoyo was looking at his hands, his thumbs twiddling around each other. "I thought you were panicking so I stepped in."

Kenma looked at Shoyo silently until Shoyo looked back at him. "Honestly, I was. I felt like I was underwater." Kenma scoffed at himself. "You saved me. Thanks."

Shoyo creased his eyebrows. "Do you like him?"

Kenma stared out of the windows. He watched as nothing but a blur passed as the train moved. Did he like Kuroo? "...I don't know yet. Maybe? When I'm with him, I feel special. But is that liking someone?"

"Well, do you feel your heart racing? Do you think about him everyday? Do you always want to see him or be around him? Does he make you feel like it's only you two against the world?"

Kenma was startled at the sudden questions. "Shoyo, are you in love with someone?"

Shoyo flinched at those words. He relaxed a bit and nodded, looking away. "Yeah, but sadly, I've already been rejected." He let out a sad laugh.

Kenma leaned into his seat. "Yeah....Kuroo makes me feel all those things. He invades my mind and it's like no matter how hard I try, he never leaves. But I'm scared. So fucking scared that I'm gonna snap out of this dream one day and find out that I was reviewing some dating game for my channel. I'm afraid that Kuroo will think I'm just some loser who can't get a real job. That I'll be left behind if let myself admit whatever it is I'm feeling." Kenma rubbed his face, pushing the hair out of his way.

Shoyo smiled at him. "Kenma...that's just a risk you gotta take. It's like volleyball. Like when you're just about to set the ball and you have all these options right in front of you. And it's the last few points of the match and it's up to this point to determine who will end up having control. If I were the setter, I'd be scared as hell. I'd want to run away and I'd probably go to the left, the safest option, right? But you wouldn't do that, would you? You'd probably take a risk. You'd do a setter dump right in front of their faces." Shoyo grinned. "Whether you score the point or not, you took that risk. You did what you thought was best. You followed your setter's intuition. And that's exactly what you need to do. Take that risk. Decide. Are you going to dump the ball or are you going to be predictable and run away?"

Kenma has never thought of Shoyo to be smart but in this exact moment, he thought Shoyo was the smarter one out of the two. "I don't want to run away." Kenma said in an almost whispered voice. "I...I like Kuroo."

Shoyo jumped up. "Yahoo! My bestfriend is in love~!" He laughed, yelling to the empty train.

"Sh-shoyo! Sit down!" Kenma smiled at his jumping friend.


The two were sitting down again. Shoyo was finally talking about the matches. "I can't believe Kuroo and the other's were still so good! Ughhhh they don't even practice or play competitively anymore!" He whined.

Kenma only nodded before asking the question that wouldn't leave his mind. "Shoyo...not to ruin your mood but, who're you in love with? And...why did they reject you?"

Shoyo smiled sadly, "Come on, use your brains. Who do you think it is?"


"Oh- bingo!" Shoyo chuckled before sighing. "Kageyama and I hold a purely physical relationship. On and off the court." Shoyo gulped. "I confessed to him once after a practice and all he said was 'I have work tomorrow. See you, boke.'" Shoyo put his hands on his head to make his hair look like Kageyama's when he said that. "I was ignored." Shoyo shrugged. "But it's okay!" He stood up. "Because I'll learn to jump high enough that no one, not even the King, can ignore me. And then he'll have to answer me. For now, I'll just focus on making him fall madly in love with me." Shoyo grinned and laughed. "Oh- the train stopped. Let's go home!"

Kenma smiled at his bestfriend. He admired Shoyo's determination. "Yeah, let's go home."

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