The Moon's Princess- Chapter 4

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Chapter 5

I had my eyes closed as I played the piano, and nearly screamed when someone clasped something around my neck.

"Shh… it's fine. Just me." Ryan said as he rubbed my shoulders.

I looked down to see what he put on me. It was a beautiful silver necklace, with an amethyst hanging from it. The stone lay partially in the between my breasts, which were visible because of the plunging neckline my dress took.

"It's gorgeous, thank you." I said.

"No. You are gorgeous." Ryan said as he kissed my neck.

"Am I?" I questioned as leaned into him.

"Yes, very." Ryan stated as he helped me up. "Time for our party."

"Okay…" I sighed as he put his arm around me, "I'm nervous…"

"You'll be fine. My mother is pretty talkative, so there will most likely not be any silence to fill."

"O-okay…" I replied.

We walked down several hallways, and eventually came to a large stairwell.

"Here we go." Ryan muttered, as we began our decent.

As we walked down the numerous stairs, I glanced around the room, which I assumed was the Ballroom. I looked up at Ryan, which I had to do because he was taller than me, and noticed that once again his eyes had a possessive gleam. Ryan glanced down, and for a moment our eyes locked. Then, blushing, I looked away. Ryan escorted us to a large dining room table, and sat us at its head.

"Here comes mother." Ryan smiled.

"Ryan!" A tall woman exclaimed.

She was beautiful, with long auburn waves, and a flowing red dress. She was escorted by a young-looking man, with the beginnings of a beard, and wavy brown hair. He was wearing what you would expect a rich farmer would wear, not really taking heed of his surroundings.

"Why, this must be the princess!" the older woman exclaimed.

"Yes ma'am," I replied, slightly bowing my head.

"Isn't she just the cutest thing, Charles?" She giggled.

The man who I assumed was the previous Alpha, who was apparently named Charles, nodded, "Yes, Lilian."

Lilian hit his side with a fan she was holding in her hand, "Don't stare! You're making the poor thing uncomfortable." Lilian sat beside me. "Now, darling, if there is anything I can do to make my soon-to-be daughter-in-law more comfortable, just let me know! It wouldn't do for my new girlfriend to be uncomfortable."

"Yes, ma'am." I smiled, "You're very beautiful."

"Thank You! You're a sight for sore eyes as well; with you white hair, and purple eyes. You're so pale too, but pale looks good on you! That blue really compliments your figure!" Lilian was apparently thoroughly enjoying herself.

"It's an honor to know you think so."

"Now, darling, tell me. Were you really saved by the Goddess?"

"Of course."

"You hear that, Charles! Our daughter-in-law was saved by the Goddess!"

"So?" he yawned, "Your son was saved by the Goddess, though it surprises me that She would bother saving a someone from such a small pack."

The ring on my finger burned as I was about to retort something, but Ryan responded before I could say anything.

"You will not talk about my mate's family like that, Charles. Know your place." Ryan snapped, Alpha strength seeping into his voice.

"How can you protect such a creature?" Charles questioned, "Although she does look like a good fuck."

Ryan's chair clattered as he angrily stood. "You will NOT speak of your higher like that. You will watch your tongue, because you next insult will be your last."

At that, Charles wisely bit his tongue.

"Now, my darling, why don't we dance for awhile?"


The rest of the night passed without another conversation with Ye Ole Hot Head. Ryan and I excused ourselves early, and returned to our room.

"Well that went… well enough." I sighed as I slipped off my dress.

"Yes… I suppose." Ryan replied as he took his shirt off.

I slipped on a sorry excuse for a nightgown and slipped into bed. Ryan took off pants and climbed in as well.

"I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed with your actions of late. It was wise to let me handle that situation." Ryan murmured as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"That's good…" I purred as I laid my head on his chest, "I have to say that I completely and thoroughly love how you always take charge."

"Well that's good, because I always do that." Ryan smirked as he ran his fingers through my hair, which I had taken down as soon as we had walked in.

"What am I going to wear tomorrow?" I asked as I closed my eyes.

"Nothing as soon as I can get you alone after the wedding."

"I meant for the wedding," My cheeks burned with embaressment.

"The dress maker will get you something…" Ryan replied, "You're going to have to take that ring off your finger."

"Never." I stated as I placed my right hand underneath me.

Ryan laughed, "Glad you like it."

"Good night…" I whispered.

"Sleep well."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2011 ⏰

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