Chapter 15

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Louis's POV

I didn't know where I was. All I remember was walking outside to get some fresh air and then the next thing I know something hit me and I passed out. I tried to move but my arms and legs were tied to a chair and I whimpered in discomfort.

"Ah you're finally awake I see" a familiar voice chuckled darkly.

"J-Josh" I stuttered and I swallowed the knot in my throat and my heart starting beating faster than necessary. The last person I wanted to see right now was Josh and for once in my life I actually wished Harry was here. He's like the only person that would keep me safe.

"That's right babe and thanks to that little blond friend of yours, your exactly where I want you" Josh said and my frown deepened.

"Where is Niall? Is he alive? Did you hurt him?" I asked all different kinds of questions and Josh growled in anger.

"Shut the fuck up!" Josh sneered "That little bitch is still alive, but not for long. Once I'm done with you, that little shit will be begging me to kill him"

"You're sick" I cried out, staring at Josh with disgust, but all he did was laugh.

"Still the same I see. Thinking your all tough standing up against an Alpha, but your not. You will never be good enough because Omegas are nothing. Unless they are bearing pups or being a good house wife Omegas should have died out years ago" Josh said, running a grimy finger down my face.

"You know for someone who hates Omegas you sure have a good time fucking them" I spat causing Josh to laugh.

"Fucking them and hating them are two different things. Just because I fuck and omega doesn't mean I like them. I've never met an Omega that wouldn't spread it's legs for an Alpha. It's an easy fuck, besides Betas think their better than everybody else and Alphas are always fighting for control" Josh explained and I rolled my eyes.

"Where are we?" I asked wanting to change the subject because I'm starting to get uncomfortable.

"That I can't tell you, wouldn't want you to go blabbing to your friend through mind link" Josh chuckled.

"Why are you wasting your time talking to me and get to the point. Why am I here? You're obviously not going to kill me because if you were, I'd be dead already" I asked.

"Well if you insist. I'm am going to torture you until I get exactly what I want" Josh said and I whimpered in fear.

"And what's that?" I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking, but failed miserably.

"Where's the Alpha?" Josh asked.

"Which one?"

"Your mate" he snapped, getting impatient.

"I don't know. You knocked me out. I can't remember a thing, plus there was that whole thing with Payne's pack. They could be anywhere for all I know" I said and that wasn't a total lie.

"Then where's his pack house? If I can't find hin then might as well take down everyone else" Josh questioned.

"I'm not telling you anything" I sneered through gritted teeth. I'd rather die then risk the lives of hundreds of people.

"Don't worry babe, I've got all day" he chuckled pulling out a torch, making me shake in fear.


Harry's POV

"Ow! Son of a bitch!" I screamed out as it felt like my hand was on fire.

"Harry are you okay?" Niall asked while sitting on the couch. He finally calmed down from almost having a panic attack when Louis was nowhere to be fine.

"Yeah. I'm okay" I said clenching my fist hoping the pain would soon go away. It made me so angry cause I knew exactly what was going on. Louis was getting hurt and it pains me because I have no idea where the hell he is.

"Did Zayn ever get back to you?" I asked Niall and he shook his head.

"Nope, not even a phone call" Niall muttered and I nodded my head.

"Well if he does call you tell him Louis is in danger and he needs to look faster" I said and Niall's eyes widened.

"How do you know?" He asked curiously. I sighed and showed him my hand where it was a bright red and looked like it was severely burned.

Niall's lip quivered and no doubt the blond would start bawling any second.

"This isn't even the worst part. It's worse on Louis since he's actually getting burned and mine is just a preview to what is really happening" I explained and I hope nothing else his going to happen to him. My hand still hurts like a bitch and it's killing me inside knowing that Louis is getting hurt.

"Zayn please pick up, Louis is getting burned and he might not make it. You have to hurry and look faster" Niall sobbed into the phone and I hugged Niall to my chest letting him cry and hold onto me for as long as he wanted.

I bite my lip from crying out when a searing pain shot through my side. Soon after about ten minutes I was literally shaking, my whole body hurt. I could hear Niall screaming and crying and I was worried he was going to have a panic attack again. I hope Zayn gets here soon because I don't know how much longer I can take.

"Harry, Zayn found his scent there tracking it right now" Niall's relieved voice filled the room and I felt him roll me over so he could look over me. I was covered in bruises and I think I was bleeding, but at this moment I couldn't care less and both my hands were blistered from being burned.

"He's going to be okay. Where going to find him" Niall said and I think he was trying to convise himself that everything was all good. Niall helped me sit up on the couch and what I heard next made my heart stop.

'I'm sorry'

Then the pain stopped and realization dawned on me.


Hope this was better than the last chapter I made. I deleted that one since I wasnt happy with it.

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