Part 3

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"I know you're planning on meeting Cairnon, so I took the liberty of telling the Royal Guard to secure your room," Ronodin read, fuming. "Rika thinks she knows everything! She's locked me in my room, and for what?"

He tried the door handle and found it locked.

"Don't try it, Ronodin," came a deep voice from behind the door. "We have our orders."

"You really listen to Rika over me?" Ronodin asked.

"Rika came to us with sentiments that were shared by the Queen," the guard responded.

"She told the Queen," he whispered to himself, slamming a fist against the wall in anger.

He took a deep breath, and started thinking. There had to be some way out, or some way to bribe the guards into giving him just a few hours. He had promised Cairnon he'd meet him for another training session today. The window? He tried to open it as quietly as he could, and to his surprise, it opened. He leaned his head out the window and saw a guard stationed on the ground, patrolling the lawn. He noticed the symbol on the guard's uniform, and smiled to himself. They put a newbie in the yard.

He pulled out his horn. "All right, let's hope you work as well as I think you do."

He took a deep breath, then disappeared. Soft footsteps sounded on the roof, then there was a light thud as he jumped to the ground. The guard turned his head at the sound, but saw no one there. Ronodin grinned to himself. He had done it. He felt his horn grow hot in his hand, and dropped it when it soon became unbearable. The guard noticed him come into view.

"Hey! Get back here!"

Ronodin picked up his horn and sprinted across the lawn. He looked back to see a trio of guards chasing after him. He cursed to himself. His horn had finally returned to a normal temperature, so he took a deep breath once again and soon vanished. The guards stopped in confusion, looking for where Ronodin had gone. Ronodin laughed to himself at their bewildered faces, and ran to cover before he was forced to let go of his horn.

"I can't believe that worked," he whispered to himself.

He waited a minute, then took a hold of his horn and disappeared one more. This time he was able to make it all the way to his hideout in the woods. He came back into view when he was right behind Cairnon.

"Hey," Ronodin whispered, and Cairnon jumped.

"Where did you come from?" Cairnon yelped.

"I've been here for a minute or so," Ronodin replied.

"How? I- what? You just appeared-?"

Ronodin smirked. "Watch this." He closed his eyes in concentration, both hands on his horn. Cairnon gasped as Ronodin faded out of view.

"You- you can light walk? How? Even the Queen herself can barely-" he stopped himself. "It's so difficult to do."

Ronodin flickered into view, taking a few strained breaths. Cairnon reached out a hand, but Ronodin waved him away.

"I've just overdone it a bit. I had to escape some guards to get here; that's why I was late. Sorry."

Cairnon looked confused. "Guards? Why were there-"

"Don't worry about it," Ronodin interrupted.

"I got you in trouble, didn't I?" He asked. "Because... because of my family. And because I haven't been doing well in my training."

"No, it's not because of that," Ronodin lied.

"Ronodin... I don't want to get you in trouble. I know we're not supposed to associate with each other. When we were kids it never mattered, but now... my reputation will bring you down." Cairnon headed for the door.

Ronodin grabbed his arm. "Stop. I- I don't care what they tell me to do. I came all the way here, please... don't leave."

"I can't let you do this for me," Cairnon said, avoiding Ronodin's gaze.

"I want to! Cairn, please. I just want to help you, and everyone else is stupid for holding you responsible for... well, you know. It doesn't make any sense."

Cairnon frowned. "You know it's the Fairy Queen's orders."

"Well her orders are stupid!" Ronodin yelled, then quickly covered his mouth. "Oh no. Cairnon, you've got to get out of here."

"What? No, I'm staying!"

Ronodin pulled out his sword and pointed it at his friend. "Get out of here! I should've known better than to- the Queen is on her way, you have to hurry."


"Go!" Ronodin shouted, and Cairnon ran, looking back hesitantly.

The second Ronodin looked back from where Cairnon was fading from view, a bright flash of light filled the room. The Fairy Queen stood in the room, shining radiantly. Ronodin quickly kneeled.

"My Queen."

She frowned down on him. "Ronodin, you have disobeyed and disrespected me. Why do you insist on being difficult?"

Ronodin took a deep breath. "I apologize. I didn't realize Rika's letter was also a reflection of your opinions as well as hers."

The Queen nodded. "Fair enough. Now you are aware. I don't want to see you around Cairnon again. I know you two have been close since you were young, but I must draw the line at you training him on the side. You are gifted, yes, but you are not advanced enough to take on a pupil and I want you to focus on your own studies alongside Bracken."

Ronodin bit back a retort. "Please, I must ask you to reconsider-"

"My word is final."

Ronodin nodded, pushing down his anger. "Of course, My Queen."

"I heard the guard's retelling of your escape," she said. "Do not share your skill of light walking with anyone. It could prove dangerous for too many people to be aware of your ability."

He hesitated to respond. "I- Yes, of course. Thank you... for your kindness."

The Fairy Queen smiled. "Please come home with me, nephew." Ronodin grimaced at her words. "You and Bracken have much to accomplish today," she continued. "And Ronodin?"

"Yes, My Queen?"

"I would recommend learning to hold your tongue and keep your... unique... opinions to yourself," She said with a smile, but the threat behind her words was clear.

"Of course," Ronodin responded with a fake smile of his own. 

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