Chapter 46

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"No, we absolutely cannot reschedule this meeting! This is the only time Charlize has open. She's in the middle of a book tour and only has so much time in the city. I thought I made it perfectly clear that this was the only time we had for this. You cancel this meeting and you lose her. That's final." I'd been on the phone for almost an hour with another cover artist who wanted to work with Charlize. She had a stroke of inspiration and started another book at the beginning of her tour. She had half of it written before she even said anything, which meant we were already behind in getting it ready for publication. Her last cover artist was taking a hiatus, which left me to find her a new one.

"Good, I'm glad you've come to that realization. Do not be late." This was the one downside to my job. Ryan was giving me more mini fires to put out so he could tend to the bigger ones, but sometimes that meant using the tone my mom used with me when I was a kid and did something bad. It could get uncomfortable to talk to other adults like that.

I hung up my desk phone and slammed it down on the receiver, only for my cell phone to ring immediately after. I picked it up without looking to see who it was.


"Is it a bad time, darling?" I instantly felt like shit. It was his lunch hour and coming up on mine. He'd started calling during his lunch hour because he'd been working later the last few weeks and we didn't have a lot of time with each other. We talked about doing lunch at one of our jobs, but we were across the city and would have to leave the second we got back just so neither of us were late. There wouldn't even be time to eat.

"No, I'm sorry. I just had an issue with Charlize's potential new cover artist. They're talented but obviously have no sense of priority. She's in town for two days next week and they tried to move our meeting to tomorrow and didn't see the issue with having the meeting without her. Idiot." I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my free hand over my eyes.

"I'm sorry you're dealing with idiots today. How's your day been otherwise? How's the tour?"

"It's good, she's having a lot of fun and her book is doing really well. I've gotten a lot done with the book we started reading the other night. I have to read more without you though..."

"I figured you would. It's okay, I'll have plenty of time to read it when it's published."

"I know, I just really like reading with you and-"

"Harry, I need you on the floor. I know it's your lunch hour but.." Bethany's voice trailed off. "Darling, I'm so sorry, I ha-"

"Have to go. It's okay, go. I love you."

"I love you too. We'll do dinner tonight, I promise." He hung up quickly. He'd been working on expanding the store. It's something he'd been wanting to do for a while and it was my job to support him in all his endeavors, but I didn't know if would take this much of his time.

I'd barely seen him in weeks. He spent most of his time at the store. I left before him every morning now and he was always still asleep by the time I was leaving. He called on his lunch, but sometimes he would forget or would text and tell me he has to eat and work. He made the promise to be home for dinner, but usually ended up texting me as I was setting up dinner for two to tell me that he had to stay later. Then he wouldn't be home until I was already asleep. I woke up every night for a few seconds as he got into bed and told me he loved me, but that was it.

We were only seeing each other half asleep.

I took care of the rest of my day, finishing half the book Ryan had given me for review and making corrections as I went. I drove home on autopilot and started to get dinner ready after I changed. Harry knew I ate dinner at the same time every night. He had half an hour or he would be late.

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