Chapter 2

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The sun poked into my room, a clear difference from the night before.

Last night.

The record store. Billie Holiday.

Oh god.

Harry. I had given a stranger my number. I'd never done that before. Why the hell did I do that. He was incredibly kind for bringing me home so I didn't have to walk in the rain, but I don't know what I was thinking. I hadn't gone out with a guy, in any manner, since I was 18.

I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling above me, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. A small vibration came from my nightstand and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. It was silly of me to think that he would just let my coffee offer go, wasn't it? Who would pass up free coffee?

I took a deep breath and rolled over once more to grab my phone.

1 New Message:

Harry: Good morning

Just a good morning? I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. I thought he would have said something about us getting coffee. How do I even respond to this?

Chill, Charlie. You're overthinking. He's just a man. You're just a woman. This isn't anything to overthink about. Just text him back, you idiot.

I rolled my eyes in myself and pushed myself up the headboard of my bed, sitting with my comforter at my waist. I'm being ridiculous. Maybe he forgot about me saying anything about coffee and I won't have to feel awkward about it. I'll just say good morning back and leave it at that. Maybe he won't even respond.

Me: Good morning

I set it down again and got out of bed, leaving it behind. If I ignore it, it's not there and I cannot feel anxious about it. I walked into my kitchen, turning on my coffee pot and peeking into my fridge. Eggs for breakfast. That will do. I grabbed a pan and a spatula and started cooking, popping bread in the toaster at the same time.

My toast finished before my eggs and I buttered it just in time for my eggs to be done, plating it and sitting down on the stool at my island. I tried to keep my mind off of my phone and focus on my food, but I couldn't. My leg started to bounce and the fingers of my left hand started to tap mindlessly. My anxiety was getting the best of me. I hope today wouldn't be a bad day.

I quickly finished the rest of my food and took another deep breath, letting my legs carry me back to my bedroom against my brain's will. I stood there staring at it for a moment. There's no reason I should be feeling this anxious. It's just a text. He's literally just a man. There' was nothing to be freaking out about.

I picked it up before I could psych myself out even more.

1 New Message:

Harry: I hope I didn't wake you. About your coffee offer though. My schedule today is packed, but I'm free tonight if you are. Would you be up for dinner?

I almost got away with it. I almost got out of it. I considered just cancelling all together and then never answering him again. I considered just not answering at all.

"Don't be rude, Charlie. You were raised to appreciate kindness. You know that doesn't happen often." My mother's voice rang through my head. She's right. I can't bail on him. I can see the look on her face if she finds out. Having a close relationship with your mother is a curse and a blessing at the same time. I love her, but sometimes I don't love that she's my voice of reason.

Today was my day off and I didn't have plans that night. I had no actual way out of it. I looked back at my phone and let my fingers do the thinking.

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