thin line

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Morning of December 2nd, 2020

George awoke almost as if the entire world sat at the pit of his stomach. He had had all night to think about the conversation with Dream yesterday. All night to dwell in the words that Dream had typed just for him to see them on his screen. How much he must mean them...

He hated to admit it, but he felt bad for being mad about it. Dream was everything to him, aside from the possibility of where their relationship may, could, or could not go. It hurt to tell himself this but he had to admit it before he could admit the other part to himself.

This was, that he did in fact, feel something for Dream that he had never felt with anyone else. He wouldn't call it a crush and he definitely wouldn't even call it specifically romantic, but it was there.


The word hovered in his brain.

What even was romantic? Giving your time, your energy, to a person. Appreciation and loving that person. Them loving you back... Maybe it was late-night calls and sappy apologies when you forgot to text. Maybe it was face timing to show them how much you loved the new present that they'd got you and how it'd just arrived. Maybe it was eating dinner together in a discord call because both of you felt just a tad bit lonely and couldn't stop thinking about them the entire day. Maybe it was pulling them out of the main voice call just to tell them how much you loved them...

George picked up his phone off the nightstand, unlocked it, and went straight to his and Dream's texts.

> I do feel something
10:27 am

He turned his ringer on and laid back, staring at the ceiling, waiting for a response. It wasn't long before he heard Dream's text tone.

he picked the phone back up and propped an elbow into his mattress to hold himself up.

>> you do?
10:30 am

> I do
It's just

George paused and tried to think.

>> just what

He typed his next words with a crooked expression, trying to put his thoughts to text.

> You scare me sometimes

Shit. That wasn't exactly what he meant. It sounded bad with no context.

>> i scare you?

> Nono
Sorry that wasn't right
I mean
You make me panic
Like inside

There was a moment without a response. George could almost hear the chuckle that was sure to have come with Dream's following text.

>> how

> Dream the way you say things...
It's hard not to

Dream was typing before he could finish his text chain.

>> it's hard not to talk to you like that george

George's breath hitched and he typed his next words carefully.

> We should talk more often then

It was a little stupid because they talked all the time, but George didn't care; Dream would know what he meant.

>>i agree
i really like talking to you

> I like talking to you too dream
... I love talking to you

Then nothing. No response.

George knew Dream was trying to come up with something to say. Something that would probably make Goerge giggle, something that would make him blush.

He was typing and pressing send before he knew it, taken with emotion.

> It-
It's like we're dancing around this line

An immediate response.

>> it's a very thin line isn't it

> It is

Time felt like it was going a million miles a minute.

>> what if we stopped dancing

George was confused all over again.

> What..?

>> what if we stopped dancing
and just crossed it

George's breath caught, realizing the extent of Dream's words.

> Dream u live like a thousand miles away

>> you didn't say no

> Dream

>> what if we crossed the line george
what would be so wrong about that

George's mind gave up, fully admitting it by typing a single word.

> nothing

>> nothing

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