Chapter 4 -Ending 1

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I couldn't decide how I wanted this to end so I made 2 separate endings. This is the sad ending so prepare your tissues <3

Midoriya POV

My chest is aching and my eyelids feel heavy. Is this it? Did this disease finally kill me? Is this heaven? I look around the white room quickly realizing that I didn't die, not yet at least, but instead, I'm in the recovery room. I try to piece together my memory of what happened and how I ended up here but fail. I look at the various tubes and wires connected to different machines. I watch the heart monitor go up and down. Recovery Girl draws back the curtain. 'Good. You're awake. Your body couldn't handle training. You blacked out and fell off a cliff. Luckily Bakugou-kun caught you before you hit the ground. You'll have to stay here for now' Recovery Girl explained. Even just mentioning Bakugou's name made me need to cough. Recovery Girl handed me a tissue as I coughed up blood. 'How long do you think I have left?' I whisper. '3 days maximum... I'm sorry... Aizawa wants to know if he can bring the class in to see you. They've been really worried about you but haven't been told what's happening. As far as they know your just really sick' Recovery Girl say. I nod as tears fall down my cheek. Recovery Girl picks up the phone on her desk and calls Aizawa. Shortly after the class rushes in to the small room and crowds my bed. Uraraka, Mina, Kaminari and Kirishima wrap me in a big, warm hug. Iida scolds me for being so reckless and Todoroki wishes me a quick recovery.

If only they knew... 

After everyone says some get wells and has a chat, a boy with spiky blonde hair approaches me. He runs up and pulls me into a hug crying into my shoulder. I begin to get uncomfortable and try to pull him off. He pulls back and looks at me. His crimson eyes are filled with fear. 'I'm sorry but who are you?' I question. He looks at me in shock and confusion. 'This is Bakugou, don't you remember him?' Kirishima says. 'Ba...ku...go?' I say. 'We've known each other since we were kids!' the blonde hair boy yells back. 'I don't know you' I say quietly. He storms out, tears falling down his cheeks as he yells a string of obscenities. My chest tightens up and it feels like my throat is closing.

Third Person POV

Bakugou storms out slamming the door behind him. Everyone turns away from the door back to Midoriya. He's hunched over the side of the bed gasping for air. Everyone can see the blood he's coughing up falling and splatter on the floor. Recovery Girl and Aizawa are quickly by his side trying to comfort him. The heart monitor suddenly dips and he goes limp over the side of the bed. Aizawa grabs him and lies him back on the bed pounding on the boy's chest trying to bring him back. Recovery Girl is getting ready to intubate him. Class 1A looks on at the horrific scene. Most can't bear to watch, some make their way back to class. Midoriya had been in life-threatening situations before and had always pulled through but now everyone was starting to realize that maybe this time, their friend couldn't cheat death. Most of those who were left in the room were crying. Todoroki and Uraraka grabbed his hand and begged him to stay, to come back to them. The heart monitor finally showed a faint heartbeat and Aizawa let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. He quickly rounded the rest of his class back to the classroom before sprinting to the teacher's lounge. Midnight was lounging on a couch chatting with Present Mic when Aizawa burst in. His frazzled demeanor instantly getting Midnight's attention. 'I need you to watch my class. Don't bother with any work just give them some comfort. They just witnessed something terrifying' He explained. 'Sho, What's going on?' Midnight questioned while gathering her stuff. 'One of my kids is dying. They just watched him flatline. I've gotta go help Recovery Girl' Aizawa explains before leaving. 

Aizawa rushed back into the room while Recovery Girl was busily intubating him. He rushed over to help the old woman. They hooked him up to more wires and had the defibrillator on standby, both of them knowing that Midoriya would not make it through the night. Aizawa sat beside the small boy's bed and gently pushed his green curls out of his face. He grabbed Midoriya's hand and rubbed small circles on it. Soon Bakugou entered the room. 'He's not going to make it, is he?' He said, his voice trembling. Aizawa shook his head not looking up from Midoriya. 'I thought he just had a cold, what happened?' Bakugou questioned. 'He had forget me not disease' Recovery Girl says. 'You mean that disease that caused by... one-sided love...' he said, his voice barely audible. 'This is all my fault. He loved me and I didn't love him back, now he's going to die and it's all my fault' Bakugou said breaking down. Aizawa walked over and comforted him. 'All we can do now is comfort him in his last moments' Aizawa says. Bakugou walks to the side of the bed as Izuku's eyes flutter open. He looks around the room to see Aizawa and Bakugou standing beside him. 'Kacchan..' He says weakly. Bakugou's eyes fill with tears. 'I'm so sorry Izuku, but I'm going to become the best hero just for you' he says forcing a smile. Izuku gives a weak smile in return and grabs Bakugou's hand. 'Close your eyes problem child and rest' Aizawa says softly. Izuku closes his eyes as the heart monitor beeps rapidly and his hand goes limp in Bakugou's. The machine flatlines and everyone is left speechless.

Izuku was finally gone

After half an hour of crying and eery silence, Bakugou and Aizawa make their way back to class. Bakugou slumps to his seat and Aizawa stands at the front of the room next to Midnight. His eyes are red and puffy just like Bakugou's. 'Okay listen up class, I have some very bad news.' Aizawa starts. Everyone is holding their breath hoping it's not the news they think it is. 'Midoriya has sadly passed away. He flatlined half an hour ago. I'm so sorry'. The room goes silent as small sobs can be heard from Uraraka and Todoroki. Uraraka stands up and storms over to Bakugou's desk. She slams her hand down and yells. 'YOU'RE THE REASON HE'S GONE. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT'. She slaps him across the face before running out of the room. Everyone expects Bakugou to go running after her to retaliate but instead, he just sinks his head into his hands and cries. 

The rest of the day is bleak and sad without Izuku's heartwarming smile. 

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