Sophie's Mission

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Sophie was on the edge. For the last week, everything had been crazy. She had accepted Amy to live with her in Havenfield, reintroduced Amy to everyone else, and told the council about her crazy plan. Her proposal was this.....

She, Keefe, Biana, and Dex would sneak into the Forbidden Cities and try to find information. They would infiltrate human military bases with an obscurer, or if necesarry, Sophie could use her enhancing on Biana who could then make them all disappear. They had to do one thing first though, which is trying to find transportation. Of course, she could always teleport, but she wanted something that wouldn't tire her out so much. So, she called on Silveny. 

After the proposal speech was finished, the Council discussed it for WAY too long, and finally agreed. They would send them to the Forbidden Cities under one condition : They had to bring a Councillor with them. That Councillor just happened to be Sophie's least favorite : Councillor Alina. The Council wanted them to bring Alina along was because she could help them if they really got caught. She could Beguile themm to safety, though Sophie was very doughtful that Alina would actually cooperate, but she agreed with everything. So, with their newly acquired team member, which most of them were not very happy about, they set off for the Forbidden Cities.

Councillor Alina proved useful the moment they got into the Foridden Cities. She Begiuled a store clerk to telling them where the nearest military centre was. Turns out, They were in China, which they had never been to. It was a odd experience, because there was lots of shoving through huge crowds and accidentally making dozens of people invisible. They were probably very confused and it was also 99.999999999% going to be on the news. Since they were in China, they decided : Hey, we should eat some chinese food! It was Keefe's idea, actually, because he saw this chinese street vendor selling stinky tofu, and he just had to try it out. Turns out : He loved it! He ran to a restraunt to get some more and came back with an armload of the stuff, licking his lips and drooling. They found a spot to sit down and Sophie tried the tofu. It was creamy, and had a kind of rich flavor that she really enjoyed. She called in all of her friends to try it, and ended up having to fly around the city to find Dex. Dex was raiding every single IPhone shop in the entire town. He said he was trying to find some innovative ideas for some new inventions. Sophie had to literally drag him across the town to find the others. When Dex tried the tofu though, he threw up and tofu splattered onto Keefe's hair.

AN: Next chapter we will be finding out how Keefe tried his best to murder Dex through the streets of Beijing, and also they started a raid in a local police station. BTW, thanks for 120 views!!!! It feels like a B-day present from you guys. It was my birthday 4 days ago and today is my dads birthday. I am writing this at 10:30 and he is literally not back from his birthday present yet. Also, please tell me in the comments if you want a christmas special. TY!!!

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