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- Story POV :

Riku was fixated on the clean pages of the book he had read earlier on. Oh how he would loved to be the protagonist that was always so strong and brave. Determined and reliable ...

He half-heartedly frowned with a slight smile, half heartedly it was. Nothing had occupied him that much, ever since Khiro left to the other room.

Whistling and humming filled the room, which somewhat made they boy want to scribble some music notes down.

Music and dance is what brought the Nanase twins together, but it was what separated them from each other. That wrinkly, deceptive elder : Kujo Takamasa.

Everything fell apart and Riku wanted to snap Takamasa's head off, the feeling still lingered within him. If it weren't for his manipulative actions and threats, Riku would have definitely tried to stop all of it.

Though it was out of the expected, no one could go back in time by command, only by miracles.


What was the right time to use such a word as ' miracle ' ? Riku couldn't undertsand that at all. Flukes and whims is what they were, it was a one-time thing.

The word is only to cover up the unlikely chance with a deceit so splendid that people would start questioning and wishing for it.

Teeth gritted harshly, although it was for a second. If only Tenn stayed for him, if only Tenn had considered his own brother's feelings ... Maybe they could've been together for longer, possibly even forever.

Half of his existence had left him in solitude, all of it was unbearable. His asthma deteriorated Riku so much, he was always stuck in hospital because of it.

Regardless of how he felt, what he believed was not the case to why Tenn had abandoned him.

- Tenn, Age 13 : Story POV -

Tap. Tap. Tap.

A colourless fluff popped up above a seat, as if it were moving along to the background mysic playing. Of course, it was from the infamous ' Zero '.

The latter's mysterious disappearance brought everyone calamity and ruinous affliction.

The boy kept on fiddling with the pen in his hand, unable to distract himself. Unbeknownst to the mature offspring, an umbra appeared behind him, gripping his shoulders both aggressively and tenderly.

"My son, how wonderful. How is the transport for you, it must be overwhelming to be in such a sumptous vehicle like this."

Looking at it now, those eyes were full of secrets and mischief. Nonetheless, Tenn remained respectful towards that milksop of a bitch (restated in Riku's perspective) he deeply admired.

His eyes darted to meet his new-found father, "... !"

"No need to feel so tense, Tenn. You are my angel now, you WILL exceed my expectations, right? I can feel it."

"... Of course, why would I disappoint someone I truly acclaim?"


The faded brown crinkled skin creased into a feigned, chesire-like slit lour. Masses of wrinkles round his eyes contained frown lines across his forehead.

Clearing his throat, it alerted the shorter male that he forgot something to satisfy the elder.

"Ah, to answer your question ... It is very pleasing, thank you." Averting his orbs back to the window, he felt the grip loosen and recede from his shoulders.

I'LL FAKE GOD - ID7 (long hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now