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- Slight flashback

Mitsuki's POV :

I watched our center leave the resting area and Sougo's conversation on the phone earlier on with manager was true.

He has been acting weird a bit today ...

Normally he would offer to help me, even if there wasn't anything else that had to be done.

"Riku-kun had a weird aura around him when I went to check on him, watch him carefully." Sougo wrapped an arm around himself.

I'm well aware that I am not as close with Riku like how Iori and Sougo are but, he is my kohai afterall.

' Maybe I should go see Riku again, my instincts are telling to at least stand by his door. ' I thought to myself.

With light steps, I took a short time to get there and stood silently.

"Can I meet you this coming Tuesday?" The ruby teen's voice beamed with happiness through the closed door.

However, following that phrase was something he breathed out quietly, was mortifying to me. It was spine-tingling.

"... about something important."

What could have been so crucial to Riku to meet this person? Riku seems like he's friends with the person that he called.

What do I do?

A muffled response came through his phone but I couldn't quite tell what they said, but they seemed like the person was a male.

"REALLY?!" Our center yelped with glee.

After confirming that a meeting would take place between the two people, I decided to go actually go into my room.

Approaching my desk, I pulled out a brand new notebook (that I had originally planned to give to Iori) and sat on my chair.

Writing down what I heard, I made a conclusion to try and witness the event. I needed to make sure that Riku isn't lured into doing something that is bad for his health or would damage his reputation.

 I needed to make sure that Riku isn't lured into doing something that is bad for his health or would damage his reputation

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Squeezing the bridge of my nose, I sighed with how heavy this responsibility is. Should I tell Yamato-san?

It's my best bet, the youngers will probably inform this to manager and I don't want to put any more problems onto her.

She's got stacks of paperwork and needs to assist us as a group, that must be stressful already.

Closing the writing book and shoving it into my shelf, I laid on my cold mattress and grabbed the remote for my TV.

' I'll speak to Yamato-san later about this. I hope he goes through with my request though. ' I let out an exhausted exhale.

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