when'd you two get so close?

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The majority of the friends were together on platform 9 3/4. They were waiting for Cerise and Rosie to arrive so they could board altogether.

"I swear to Merlin I'm ready to leave without those two," Sirius said looking around the platform for the two girls.

"Forty minutes," Lily said throwing her arms in the air annoyingly. "They said we should meet forty minutes before the train leaves yet they're the ones making us late." She crossed her arms over her chest while standing oddly close to James. James nodded in agreement but didn't throw himself on her like usual.

Marlene noticed Peter looking around anxiously and decided to use this opportunity for her benefit.

"Wondering where Rosie is, huh, Pettigrew?"

Peter turned his head back to the group, face turning red. "N-no," he hushed.

With the girls and guys becoming closer over the year, they've noticed Rosie and Peter getting more infatuated with one another every day.

"Hey, at least I'm not shitting bricks like Moony over there," he motioned his thumb over at Remus who was sitting on his luggage, leg bouncing rapidly. He hadn't heard the comment Peter made. If he did he would've understood why his friends were chuckling to themselves.

Before the majority of the friends realized, two familiar girls were barely spotted in the crowd, arms linked. They both were carrying the same luggage they left the school with. Sirius was the first to spot the two girls.

"Finally, girls, chop-chop now," he said clapping and rubbing his hands together motioning everyone on the train, "we need to find a free booth before we have to sit with randos."

Remus lifted his head to see Lily rushing towards the girls and bringing them into a tight hug, before slapping their arms. Rosie and Peter exchanged an awkward side hug, before letting Peter and James engulfed Cerise into a bigger hug. They released the girl before boarding the train. Remus stood up abruptly, creating intense eye-contact with the girl.

He awkwardly walked up and stood directly in front of her, looking down. They kept eye contact until Cerise stepped back.

"I like your hair," Remus awkwardly whispered pointing to her new hairstyle. Cerise admired that he noticed but didn't know how to respond.

"G-good to see you, Remus," She said nodding before taking her luggage and scurrying onto the train. He stood there confused about what just happened.

"Lover's quarrel?" Sirius said putting an arm over Remus's shoulder.

"Shove off you tosspot," Remus pushed his arm off before they both boarded the train.

———— ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ————

There were too many of them and even though Lily and Remus would have to leave for a prefect meeting giving enough room for all the kids to sit in one booth, the girls and guys still separated into two.

The girls briefly talked about what they did over the break before their favorite lanky boy slide their door open. All their eyes shot up and looked at Lily knowing what it meant. However, Remus's eyes were strongly looking towards a different girl.

"Remus?" Lily said grabbing his attention. He turned to the redhead and gave her a friendly smile.

"Oh! Yeah, we have a—,"

"Prefect meeting, I know. C'mon," she said grabbing her small handbag and information papers before standing up from her seat. She leaned over to the girls giving them a mysterious smile.

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