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"Y/n, wake up"

Groaning, your eyes fluttered open to see lily standing over your bed as you stretched, trying to awaken yourself.

"I'm going down for breakfast, are you coming?" She asked softly.

"I'll come down in a bit" your groaned turning to the other side.

"Alright, well all the girls have gone but you can walk down with James and Remus. They're still in their dorm" she turned to walk away, but a particular name triggered your thoughts.

"Wait" you shot up in bed, stopping Lily in her tracks.

"Actually, give me five minutes" you told her, before throwing on some comfy clothes.


Coming to life by Lily's waving hand, you made a "huh" sound.

"I've said your name like ten times" Lily giggled, "eat something, you look like shit"

"Just thinking" you muttered, grabbing some toast from your plate.

After debating in your mind whether to tell Lily or not, you put down the toast and turned to face her.

"What?" She said worriedly.

"Well.. last night.. after we snuck out.."


"Well something happened"

Her eyes narrowed with confusion.

"Well, actually nothing happened. But-"

"You kissed Remus? Again."

"No. Well.."

"Y/n, you either did or didn't"

"We didn't. But I wanted to.." you spoke, almost cringing and those words.

"So you like him" she said giggling, "I've been telling you this!"

"There was so much tension, lil. Like we were just so close but then he just pulled away." You spoke in a nervous whisper, partially embarrassed.

"Pulled away?"


"Why would he pull away!?" Lily repeated, with confusion.

"So.. you moved in and he... pulled AWAY?" Lily said loudly trying to wrap her head around the whole situation.

"Yes, Lily. Now can you please stop saying pulled away? I'm embarrassed enough." Your head buried into your hands resting on the table in embarrassment.

"Right. Sorry." She said sheepishly.

"What do I do now? We're friends now, I don't want to make things weird. And I've only just realised that maybe.. I might you know.. like him" you mumbled into your hands.

"Like who?" A voice spoke as someone took a seat opposite you.

Looking up, you realised it was Sirius. Shit. How much did he hear.

"I was just explaining how me and Severus haven't spoke since.. you know, and uh y/n was just saying how uh how she doesn't like him" "right, y/n?" Lily spoke, kicking your leg.

"Yes, hate the boy, I do."
"Thinks he's smarter than everyone just cos he was sorted in Ravenclaw" you scoffed, playing along.

"He's in slytherin" Lily muttered.

"Yeah, I hate slytherins too" you assured Sirius.

"My little brothers in Slytherin.." Sirius said bluntly.

Young Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now