♔ 26 ♔

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As night falls, taehyung goes home after getting a little wasted holding his head then heads over to his bedroom until yugyeom calls for him making him turn his head

" hey babe I was waiting for you where have you been? "

" good you're here I need to tell you something "

" You want us to live together! Oh babe! "

" No! I'd never want to live with you! "

" Babe? What going on? "

" I'll tell you what's going on I'm breaking up with you "

" What?! Why?! "

" Because I have other priorities and you sure as hell ain't one of them "

" It's about him isn't it? "

" Who are you talking about? "

" You know exactly who I'm talking about! You're dumping me over jungkook! "

" Yeah that's exactly it he's just better than you and he actually knows how to make me feel happy you've only been making me feel miserable! "

" No! You can't break up with me over someone like him! He's bad for you! "

Taehyung punches yugyeom in the face as hoseok just watched from the kitchen smiling then yugyeom fell back from the impact

" I shouldn't have listened to you now I lost the love of my life "

" He didn't deserve you! He was always too damn nice and you were perfect for someone like me! I took what was rightfully mine jungkook doesn't even appreciate you! "


" He'll never take you back anyway! You and I know this! He won't ever take you back! "

" He won't take me back willingly but I'm winning him back and by the way, you're not allowed to quit until jungkook is back with me "

" What?! Taehyung please rethink this! " Yugyeom says going after him " I want to be with you! Jungkook is nothing but a whore anyway "

Taehyung turns around punching him in the face again but harder as he fell back again

" You're nothing but a bitch trying to take my mind from jungkook won't work so stay away from me until I fix my relationship "

Yugyeom scoffs starting to bleed from his nose as taehyung heads upstairs then hoseok gave him a napkin escorting his way out

The next day, jungkook was eating breakfast cleaning up afterwards until he heard the door knock opening it seeing yugyeom

" It's all your fault! I told you to stay away from taehyung and you just had to crawl back into his life! He's supposed to love me! "

" I haven't even been with taehyung! What? He broke up with you didn't he? " Jungkook says covering his mouth trying not to laugh

" you find this funny? " Yugyeom says angrily " Of course you'd find it hilarious taehyung broke up with me because of you! "

" That's not my fault he just loves me so you'll just never be compared ro me "

Yugyeom got angry as he shoves the younger making him fall back they start fighting until taehyung arrived holding a bouquet of roses smiling with a small box in the middle

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