♔ 28 ♔

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The next few days, taehyung was asleep as jungkook was awake watching him sleep giggling quietly leaning down kissing him softly

Jk's mind
' He's so cute when he sleeps now that I think about it.. Did yugyeom ever see tae naked..? "

Jungkook got jealous all of a sudden and saw that taehyung sleeps shirtless so he climbs on his lap while he was still asleep gulping blushing lightly

" I shouldn't do this.. "

Then jungkook got off heading to the bathroom until taehyung pulls him back in bed kissing him deeply the younger got startled holding onto him

" Tae! You were awake?! "

" I only woke up because you climbed onto my lap "

" Sorry.. I got jealous over something.. "

" And what's that baby? " 

" I just.. I wouldn't like yugyeom looking at you shirtless "

Taehyung chuckles as jungkook was laying on him blushing lightly

" Baby, he hasn't even seen me naked before you need to relax "

" Still it pisses me off that he thought he can have you all to himself.. "

Taehyung sits up as the younger sat up on his lap as well then the older held him close on his lap then jungkook wrapped his arms around his neck

" Baby, talking like this will get you no where but tied up on this bed "

Jungkook places his lips on the older's as taehyung held his waist and hips the younger giggles holding onto him then they pull away

" Come on we should go get some breakfast "

The younger nodded as taehyung carries him making him laugh holding onto him burying his face onto him

" Tae! "

After breakfast, jungkook went into his closet looking through some clothes while taehyung was showering

Jungkook saw some cute clothes as he giggles knowing that taehyung knew exactly what his type of clothing is

Taehyung got out the shower as he sees his phone ringing drying his hair as he answered without looking at the caller id

" Hello? "

" Taehyung.. Is there any chance we can talk? " Yugyeom says holding the phone to his ear

" What's there talk about? You injured my future wife! "

" in my defense, you didn't care about him at the time.. "

" Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hang up.. Jungkook is waiting for me "

" You two are back together..? "

" Why sound so surprised? You knew I was leaving you for him "

" I just thought.. Never mind.. Listen I wanna talk face to face "

" That depends on my wife if he wants to talk "

Jungkook overheard as he goes inside the bathroom taking his phone shutting taehyung up

" Yugyeom, please stop calling my husband's phone he's clearly over you and he doesn't want you anymore so kindly fuck off before you try to step over the line again "

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