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It had been days since I'd seen River. When it was discovered that Hank had left, meetings had been held daily to discuss what should be done and River was never there. The elders would spend hours arguing about hunting Hank and bringing him back to face punishment whilst many wanted to let him leave. If he wasn't going to honour the pack, there was no point of his being here anyway.

I sat at the kitchen table, sipping a beer and wondered why he'd left. Had he fallen in love with someone else? Had he decided that he didn't want anyone to choose his life for him and to make his own fate? I gripped the bottle tightly, fighting back tears as I wished that River had wanted to make the decision with me. 

I drained the beer and stood up, throwing it into the bin. I glanced out into the darkness and paused, thinking that I'd seen a flash of eyes in the tree line. I frowned, the pack were all in the meeting room talking about Hank. Who was out there?

I opened the screen door and stepped out. I shivered regretting my choice of shorts and t-shirt , the cool air whipped around my bare legs and arms. I walked down the steps and inhaled, trying to catch a scent but getting nothing. Suddenly, the hairs went up on the back of my neck and I knew I wasn't alone. 

I spun on my heel and threw out a punch, my fist connecting with rough skin.

"Shit, Joy!"

I blinked at Will, dressed in his usual attire of black clothes and a beanie and clutching the side of his face, "What are you doing here?"

Will backed away, rubbing his jaw line, "Good right hook, Joy. Those lessons we had sure paid off."

My eyes narrowed, "Stop creeping up on me, Will."

Will sat down on one of the steps and nodded, "I'm sorry."

I paused, thrown by the honesty in his voice, "What do you want?"

He ignored me, instead tilting his head up towards the sky, "Looks like it's going to be a nice night."

I said nothing but glanced back at the tree line, trying to catch a glimpse of the eyes I'd seen. Had they been River's? Will's?

Will glanced at me, a soft smile tugging at his lips, "Run with me."

I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest, "Solid no on that."

"Come on," he said, "Run with me."


He shrugged, "Fine. Dinner then?"

I tipped my head back and laughed loudly, "Firstly, we're not allowed to do that until we've been Chosen and secondly, I'd rather rip my arm off and beat you with it."

He snorted in laughter, "Joy, you do have a way with words."

I walked past him and headed back into the house, trying to ignore the odd feeling that my wolf was causing in my chest. She was pacing, frantic to get out and see Will but it felt wrong, it should be River that was triggering this feelings. 

Will held my arm as I passed by, "Joy, please."

I stopped, surprised by the softness in his voice, "What, Will?"

He stared at me, a blush hitting the tops of his cheeks. I watched him as he fidgeted under my gaze, was he.. was he shy?

Will exhaled sharply, "Look. I am horrible at this, terrible in fact but I don't know how to do this. You confuse me, you confuse my wolf and I don't understand it. I can't get you out of my head."

I blinked, "I'm sorry?"

His thumb stroked my arm gently, "You're either going to be mated with River or me, Joy. Don't you think you should at least get to know me before this happens?"

"You hate me," I said slowly.

Will shook his head, "I've never hated you, Joy. I've had a lifetime of being told that anyone that isn't pure shouldn't be part of the pack and one day, you show up and everyone expects me to act a certain way, so I do. I could never hate you."

I stayed silent, frowning as he stepped closer towards me.

"Will..." I said trying to sound angry but my tone couldn't carry it. 

He moved his hand and cupped my cheek gently and my wolf froze, "Do you feel that? What our wolves are doing?"

My wolf was silent, not because I told her too but because Will was close to me. He moved closer and rested his forehead against mine. 

I jerked back, out of his grasp and moved closer to the kitchen door, "Will, I don't..I can't..."

Will looked at me, holding the bannister for support like he was shaken, "All I'm asking for is a little bit of time with you, Joy. I'll do whatever you want. I just want to keep this feeling that my wolf has with you, he's never been like this."

I thought of River, his harsh words telling me that we meant nothing to each other. Tears pricked my eyelids and I blinked them away.

"I like coffee," I told him.

Will smiled slowly, "Me too. Do you want to meet at Crumbs tomorrow?"

My eyes scoured the tree line again, desperate for River to show up and knowing that he wouldn't. 

What if I did mate with Will? Was I going to spend the rest of my life hating this man because my human and wolf sides can't decide? Was I going to allow years of prejudice stop me from finding out about someone who was just doing what he'd been told to do for all his life?

"I'll be there at 10," I said before walking back into the kitchen and closing the door, sliding down onto the floor and sobbing into my hands. 

I was lost and the one person I wanted to be with didn't want me. 

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