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<---POV: Phase--->
<---Location: Beacon, Ozpin's office--->
<---LL: 50--->

As I entered the office, a man with grey hair and a strangely sharp pointed cane, along with a dark suit, looked up from some sort of paperwork.

Ozpin: "Miss Rose, I assume you have a good reason for arriving to my office unannounced?"

Ruby: "Yeah! We actually helped this person and we were wondering if-"

Ruby was suddenly interrupted by Ozpin raising a hand, before speaking.

Ozpin: "I know. I had seen you sneak in through the security system, and had been listening to your scrolls ever since."

<---Uhh, Whoops.--->

Ozpin: "And I had decided that he can enroll, and be part of your team, making it team RWPBY."

RWPBY, collectively: "What?"

"How would that even be said? Rope-bee? Roop-bie?"

Ozpin: "The latter."

Oh. Well then.

Ozpin: "Now then, you should be going. Wouldn't want you to miss the announcements."

Dawnstar: "I've already recorded it, and made sure to scan all student files. I also-"

"Dawnstar! You can't just go around recording things and the such!"

I then realized that everyone was kinda shocked at me having a conversation with a disembodied voice.

<---POV: Ruby--->

Suddenly, a strange drone that looked like a small, short square pyramid doubled and flipped upside down with a strange hole in it with a purple glowing sphere appeared in front of us as if It formed out of thin air.

???: "Well, it's not like you were gonna make it."

Phase: "True, but please, next time wait till I say you can. Okay Dawnstar?"

Dawnstar: "Okay..."

This "Dawnstar" 's  mechanical humming suddenly sounded alot sadder, as it slowly dissapeared back into thin air.

<---POV: Phase--->

As I began to mentally scold Dawnstar, I realized we should probably watch the recording, but wait till we get back to the dorm.

<---In team RWPBY's dorm--->

Glynda: "As some of you may be wondering if we will have any normal school events, we will. It will be a ball that will be designed by students, for your enjoyment. As of this time, we had team CFVY planning it, but the planning responsibilities have been giving to team RWBY. However, after this ball, every first year team will be going on their first mission. This mission will be mandatory, and you will be shadowing a official Huntsman.

<---Recording End--->


Well, I hope you enjoyed this new part and are planning to follow the series. It may seem like I'm uploading fast, but I do not have an upload goal or schedule. Anyways, please stick around for more, and if you think you like the series, then add it to your followed stories so you can see when i update it. This isnt a marketing thing, infact I'm pretty sure it doesn't benefit me, but just some advice so you can know when i upload. And also, I've decided that when V2 does eventually come around, i will be doing the requests i like the most, but they also have to have all the details. Go back to "Solar" to input your character idea!
Anyways, Stay tuned for more!

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