Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of tons upon tons of rain hitting the roof like bullets from the very expensive military pistols. I hulled myself out of the comfort of my bed and dressed before heading down for some breakfast. The inn was much emptier but there were still some stragglers, they probably stayed the night like me. I sat down with my breakfast when a man burst through the door of the inn, completely soaked to the bone. He walked to the bar and started talking to the innkeeper.

"The rain's comin' down too hard. Two of the roads have already flooded and the water keeps rising. It'll take a few days to clear them, and that's only if the rain stops soon." I sit there, dumbstruck. How could I be so unlucky? Being stuck here for a few days will mean that I'll have to go all the way to Corcillum to return the stone. I had never been to a city, let alone the capital. Oh well, all I can do right now is wait, I told myself.

The rain finally stopped that evening but the damage was already done. The road that would take me to the capital was flooded and impassable, even on horseback. Even the road that would take me the long way was blocked. Trees and mud accumulated on the roads and supposedly there was even a small rock slide on one of the roads. I had to wait an entire week on top of the initial day of rain, keeping myself occupied with riding Cyrus around the town to give him exercise. I was extremely glad when they finally finished clearing the road and headed out immediately.

It took a little over four days to reach Corcillum. As I approached the west city gate, I took in the walls that went five stories high and extended so far out I barely could see the curve. Which was pretty daunting to me, even though I had been slowly adjusting through the other large towns I had to pass on my way. I rode along a group of merchants and followed them to the market, where I could restock on food and get directions to the Academy. I could tell that I was going the right way as the noise started getting loud enough to muffle the sound of Cyrus's hooves against the cobble stone street. Vendors and their stalls started popping up on the sides of the road, shouting to advertise their merchandise to passerby.

The street ended and opened up into a giant square, packed with stalls and people from all over. The crowds were so thick, I had to hop off Cyrus and lead the way, hopefully towards the food. I went through the checklist I had written: meat, bread, dried greens, and a sack of apples for Cyrus. After purchasing the apples from the fruit vendor, I stopped to ask him the directions.

"Go out the north gate of the city and you'll come to a fork. Just keep goin straight and you can't miss it. It's 'bout hours ride on horseback. Why are you headed there? I thought it had been in session for a fortnight?"

"Oh I'm just visiting a friend there," I generalized. I thought it would be better to emit the part with the stone since I could be mugged for it.

"Just make sure you take care of yourself. A young girl traveling alone is dangerous. 'Specially cause of the orc attacks lately." I double took at that information.

"What? I thought the war was the southeast?"

"Well they've been show'n up in little packs at the villages to the east past the military. They can't figure out how though," I felt relieved that it was in the opposite direction from where the orphanage is but instantly felt guilty, thinking of the people in the east.

"Thank you for the warning. Have a nice day!" I mounted the horse once I left the market square and hurried off, wanting to get back to Corcillum by nightfall.


Just like the man said, it took me an hour before creating a hill and the Academy came into view. I was absolutely star-struck. This wasn't an academy; it was a freaking castle! Four towers stood at each of the corners, each in between the four directions. The walls looked six floors high and there was a moat surrounding the entire building with a drawbridge lowered across it.

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