Chapter 4

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It felt as if I had hit a strainer and was being forced through the tiny holes. I tried to scream from the pain but no sound would come out. I felt as if I was forced through fire, sweltering my skin but at the same time, a freezing cold.  All I could see was the shifting of blue flames surrounding me.  I was slowly suffocating, coughing as the flames started traveling down my throat. I went through this torment for what seemed like eternity before I finally was ripped out and landed hard. I could feel a bit of myself tare away and was replaced with the cold flames. I gasped, pulling in as much oxygen as my lungs could get before noticing the ground beneath me. My fingers sunk into the thick black dirt that certainly wasn't the leather of the Academy. I sat back on my knees, stunned, winded, and having no idea where I was. I knelt there for a good couple of seconds before it finally hit me. I was in the ether world. With demons. And toxic air. I started panicking and holding my breath.  Am I going to die??  Have I inhaled too much?!  I still have a life to live; I’m too young to die!!!

As I continued to internally panic, the pressure built up in my lungs to an unbearable degree.  My body finally betrayed me and I inhaled before I realized what I had done.  Why haven’t I keeled over yet?  Surely I would at least be in pain or seizing up by now.  I breathed normally and sat there, waiting for the pain.  When it never came, I decided that who ever said the air was toxic must have just been allergic to it.

Slowly rising up from my kneeling position, I turned back to find the orb that took me here disappeared. When all I saw was jungle and foliage, I started realizing the severity of my situation. I was in a strange world, alone, with no way of getting back, and it was inhabited with wild demons that could eat me in a second. Forcing another round of panic down, I focused on taking in my surroundings. I was standing in a jungle, each direction looking the same. I knew I couldn't stay in one place for long and this thought was reinforced when a loud screech sounded not so far off. I felt an urge to head in the direction behind me, the one I was originally facing.

I started getting chills that raised the hair on my arm and gave me goose bumps. I knew I wasn't alone in the forest. It felt as if I was being watched and I couldn't tell where. A large rustling occurred to my right, which snapped the last shred of control I had left and I bolted away. I shoved through the dense foliage that would scratch and bite at me in retribution. Tree roots and rocks made it their mission to trip up my feet.

I stumbled as fast as my adrenaline in my legs could take me. I heard what ever was chasing me move to me left so I swerved away. That happened a handful more times as I started to tire. I finally realized that I was being herded like a sheep but it was already too late. I pushed through a thick bush only to find there was no more ground beneath my feet. I started to fall head first down the cliff. Closing my eyes, I curled into a ball and hoped it wouldn't be too painful when I splattered when I reached the bottom. Instead of hitting sharp rocks like I expected, I was met with cold water. Though it didn't feel any softer, my entire right side stinging from hitting what felt like concrete.

I tried the swim but I couldn't distinguish up from down in the dark water. The cold water started to cramp my muscles and my lungs were burning from lack of oxygen. Today just doesn't want me to breathe I guess. I sunk like a stone with my frozen limbs. Bubbles started escaping between my lips against my will. As my lungs filled with water I felt a calm come over me. I started closing my eyes since my vision was fading and my mind became slow and fuzzy.

Something like a stick snagged the hood of my jacket and pulled me through the water. I cracked my eyes open, only able to see a white blob in the overbearing black. The water started growing lighter as my mind started slipping and I passed out.

I must not have been out long because the next thing I know, I land on soft, white sand and start coughing out water. My wet hair and clothes clung to my skin. I turn over onto all fours, continuing to retch even when all the water is gone. When my body finally calms down enough, I look around me. The beach extends twenty feet in front of me until it turns into Palm trees and brush grass. Off in the distance, a tall cliff face surrounded the oasis.  The sky is a dark orange-red without a single cloud.  I turned my head to the left following the cliff, which continued in a complete circle. Behind me was a gigantic waterfall that cascaded straight down from the top of the cliff to the lake below. The crystal blue waters that I had been drowning in only a few moments ago lapped at my toes playfully. As I kept turning to the left, I caught sight of what must have been my savior.

He was beautiful. Stunning could also be used to describe him. He was as pure and white as a cloud. A majestic demon that resembled a lion towered over me. And he was enormous. At least ten feet tall from the shoulders and that excludes the pitch-black antlers that sprout from behind his ears. They extended five feet on both sides of his head right before his thick mane started.  His eyes were black as night and I could see my pale face reflected in them.

As I just stayed there on my hands and knees, awe mixing with a twinge of fear, he padded silently over and crouched down closer to my height. His fur looked so soft and comforting, inviting me to pet it. I slowly and hesitantly reached my hand out, afraid that if I made any sudden movements he would leave, or worse eat me. I halted my hand just inches away from his cheek, unsure if I should keep going. He solved the problem for me by tilting his head the rest of the way and leaning into my hand. My finger sunk into the silky strands that felt just as soft as they looked, maybe even more.

But the minute the tips of my fingers grazed his skin underneath, a large bolt of purple electricity jolted from the demon through my hand to me. Something clicked in my mind and I could feel a familiar presence, like someone you haven't seen in a while and you are just getting reacquainted. It settled in the far corner of my mind and I just knew it was my demon.

D-Do you have a name? I tentatively thought in his direction in my mind.  I wasn’t even sure demons could talk or communicate.

Khagan.  But you may call me however you wish.  May I know yours?  I was slightly taken back when he responded so it took a few seconds before I could answer.

Mirabelle. Most people call me Mira though. What happened?


It's what you humans could call a bonding. I am now considered your demon. This was unbelievable. I have a demon? Does that mean I am a battlemage now too??


Is that how I can talk to you like this?


Yes. But we can talk more after you have been fed and rested. Khagan turned around and started walking towards the tree line. Just a few dozen feet in was an opening to a one-room cave. It was about twenty feet tall and forty feet in diameter. A thick bed of woven grass and Palm leaves is laid out in the back, which I assume is where he sleeps.


Wait here and I will bring you food. He came back with strange green-blue oval shaped fruits that tasted slightly sour. Khagan allowed me to rest on the bed of leaves. Using one of his larges paws as a pillow, I fell asleep thinking of home.

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