3. The tragic cycle (Nagito's past)

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           To learn his past you must do his Free Time Events and basically read between the lines. The first thing we know is that Komaeda suffers from a tragic cycle of good and bad luck. His first experience with it was when he was in elementary school. He and his parents were planing to go on a vacation or whatever it was and had to go by plane. Once they were in the airplane a person hijacked the plane. That is the bad luck. But then a meteorite fell and struck the hijacker preventing any further problems. That is good luck. But...the meteorite also hit his parents, killing them instantly. That is the bad luck. Then the good luck comes again and he gains his freedom and a massive inheritance. That's how he states it. He spoke about it so optimistic as if it wasn't a big deal but at the time, it must have been very traumatizing seeing your parents die right in front of you. I believe he said it with such a happy face to hide the pain he was feeling. But the thing about his parents is that they weren't even that great. In the first trial he says "Nobody has ever complimented my appearence before! Not even my own mother!". This probably means they were the typical rich parents that don't care about their child. This can explain the lack of love he feels and how low is his self esteem. He also had a dog which he really cared about but it sadly died. The reason I know this is because in Chapter 5 when Akane was done strangling him he said "Thanks Akane I got to see my dead dog again! I haven't seen him in ages!". I think seeing his dog again was a very sad moment. Anyway, the next thing we learn is that in middle school he got kidnapped by a serial killer. We don't know exactly what happened to him during that time or how long he was kidnapped for. I assume that he was probably starved for a longer period of time since he doesn't really eat much. He probably got used to starving since he might have been in more situations like this. That's why in Chapter 4 when everyone was starving, he didn't mind until later. And in the investigation when Monokuma came to bring them food, he doesn't even eat it right away like the others. Anyway, after that the serial killer stuffed him into a trash bag, probably since he was keeping him for ransom but he didn't have anyone alive that could pay it, he found a winning lottery ticket which brought him 300 million dollars. Again, the good and bad luck cycle hit him again. I believe that he didn't consider the money as good luck at the time since he couldn't get past that traumatic experience with money. I think he was tired of getting money all the time after something bad happened. Money can't bring his parents and dog back. Money can't bring back his happiness. After that, more years later of loneliness and more good and bad things happening to him, before entering Hope's Peak he was diagnosed with stage 3 malignant lymphoma and frontetemporal dementia. That must have broke him when he found out. He was given only a half a year to a year life expectancy. I can't imagine how he must have felt in that situation, especially since no one was there to comfort him. Right after that he was accepted into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Lucky Student. He said that he thinks that ballanced thing out a little but now the killing are occuring. He says "Once my life entered the final round, it quickly became a rollercoaster ride! But it's going to be all right...No matter the bad luck that happens, good luck always lies just beyond it. The reason I'm alive is because I always believe there's hope...no matter what.". This shows that even after those tragic situations and all of this pain and suffering, he still believes in hope. That's exactly what made him so obsessed with hope. And at the end he says how all he wants before death is someone to love him, that's all. Such a dangerous and scary person can be tamed just by some affection. That's what Komaeda needs, but no one will give it to him. What makes some people hate him is the fact that at the end he says that it was all a lie just to make Hajime empathize with him but that's not true. Let me explain.

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