Chapter 8

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After Nicole's talk with The others she flew around keeping hidden as she went to the Weasleys.
"Thank goodness you are ok dear" Molly says.
"Ye" Nicole says with a smile.
"Nicole" Ginny says giving her a hug.
"How are the others" George asked rushing down the stairs.
"They are fine, Ron was asking if you were ok" Nicole says.
"So far yes" Arthur says.
"Remember you can contract Mr Smith if you need a place to stay" Nicole mentioned.
"We know" Molly says with a smile.
"I try and not go to them as much Just in case of the risk but I need to later , Looks like Natalie and Draco are stuck at the Davis manor and the others don't know how they are gonna break the locket" Nicole says with a long sigh.
"You look tied dear, rest" Molly says making her Sit.
"FRED, NICOLE IS HERE" George shouted.
"DOWN IN A SECOND" Fred shouted back.

"All he does is ask about you" Ginny says smirking.
"Shh" George says pulling Ginny away.
"Hey stranger" Nicole says when Fred came down the stairs.
"You've been busy not my fault" Fred says giving Nicole a hug.
"Overheard about the others" Fred mentioned.
"Ye they seem to be ok so far, worried about Ron though, he seems the most concerned" Nicole mentioned.
"If Kat is with them, he will be fine" Fred says.
"Hope so" Nicole says fiddling with her shirt.
"Look, this may be an awkward time but i wanted to ask you something" Fred says.
"Sure what about" Nicole asked.
"Well you see I want to know where ou"
"No Ginny" Fred says.
"About?" Nicole questions.
"About..well.." Fred says clearing his throat.
George was watching from the stairs and tried not to laugh when Fred couldn't get the words out.
After a little bit of a wait George couldn't wait.
"God sake Fred, he wants a relationship" George says and running when Fred went after him.
"Fred" Nicole says grabbing his arm.
"Come here" Nicole says patting the couch.
"Take it George was right" Nicole says trying not to smirk.
"Ok yes, I knew we were close but I was curious" Fred admits.
"I always thought you were an amazing person but after the Yule ball, it got stronger" Fred says.
"Glad I'm not the only one" Nicole says smiling.
Fred and Nicole were leaning in for a kiss when they heard slow music playing and George Swaying to the music with Ginny joining.
"You two" Fred says getting up and running after them leaning Nicole laughing like mad.

Things seemed to be going fine with the Weasleys but at the Davis manor it was a little different.
Everyone was getting ready for the meeting and the closer it got the more nervous Natalie got. Natalie and Draco were told to wait in their room till they were ready for them which didn't help Natalie at all.
"Stay calm" Draco says sitting on the bed and Natalie walking back and forth.
"How can I" Natalie says rubbing her neck.
"Come here" Draco says bringing Natalie in for a hug and rocking a little while placing his chin on top of her head.
"You won't be alone, I will be right by you" Draco says patting Natalies back.
"I don't like this feeling" Natalie says.
"Oh" Draco says as he stops patting Natalies back.
"Not that feeling" Natalie says leaning closer to Draco.
"I know my Grandparents are planning something and it won't be good, heck Catherine is still on my butt" Natalie says pouting.
"Like I said i am here, you will be fine" Draco says running the back of Natalies head.
"We are ready for you" Evangeline says.
"Ok" Draco says as Evangeline left.
"Deep breath" Draco says with his hand on Natalies cheek.
Natalie nodded and walked down to the dining room, Natalie gripped onto Draco's hand as they entered.
"Draco you have met him already, Natalie this this"
"The Dark lord" Natalie says interrupting Evangeline.
Natalie could feel her throat and mouth getting dry as they got closer to Voldemort.
"So this, is the Natalie...Davis" Voldemort says looking at Natalie as if he was scanning for anything wrong.
"It' honor to meet you" Natalie says trying to put on a smile.
Natalie was glad she was able to sit next to Draco and she kept holding his hand under the table. Draco could feel Natalies hand shake as she was asked questions.
"We have people out their that will be in our way to get Potter" Albert says.
"Thankfully, we have some information" Albert mentioned looking at Natalie.
"Oh Umm, I wasn't all that close to Harry, I talked to him but"
"More than enough" Albert interrupted.
Natalie could fell all eyes looking at her and the worry sunk in.
Draco gave Natalies hand a little squeeze for support.
"Depends on what you are exactly wanting to know" Natalie questions.
"Where is the boy" Voldemort asked making Natalie shiver.
"The last place I remember seeing him would be at the wedding as you all were aware of, After that not sure" Natalie explained.
"But someone pretended to be Grandfather at the ministry, remember" Catherine says smirking.
"To me I thought it was Grandfather" Natalie says back.
"Inherited more from you then you thought Albert" Voldemort says looking at Natalie.
"I'm sure Draco has help you a lot in understanding why the boy is a danger" Voldemort says looking at Draco.
"Yes, he's helped a lot" Natalie says with a fake smile.
"Someone like this child can't change that quickly my lord" Bellatrix explained.
"No faith in my family Lestrange" Albert says coldly.
"Well, this kid anyway" Bellatrix explains.
"I understand you may have mix feelings about me being here mrs Lestrange but I've learned that family is a lot more powerful than simple friendships" Natalie says taking Draco off guard a bit.
"And I'm willing to learn from my mistakes" Natalie says glaring at Bellatrix.
"Good" Voldemort says .
"Now you much know the protection of the boy" Voldemort asked.
"Only so much, Dumbledore was his main protector from what I was informed" Natalie explained.
"You must know more" Another death eater says.
"Well not at this time clearly" Natalie says tapping her head.
"I'll make sure to get as much info as possible for next time" Albert explained.
"Very well" Voldemort says taking out his wand and moving a woman close to the table.

Natalie Davis and the Hidden Secret [ Year 7 ] Part 1 [ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now