Chapter thirteen

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" How were we!?" The four of them asked excitedly as she softly smiled.

" You guys sounded pretty good, I'm impressed with your teacher." They glanced at each other with a smile before looking back at her again.

" Are we going to go out to eat?" Y/n nods.

" Yup! Hoshi is joining with us too." She tried to hide her disgust for him through her smile, but Hana could tell it was faked. She knew that her older sister didn't like him, unlike her other siblings who thought that they were getting along, she realized that they never were going to get along unless they talked about it. But she knew that would never happen due to what her brother, Hoshi, told Y/n.

" you look like something is bothering you, what's wrong?" Hoshi asks while looking at his meal as he ate it, as for her sister that looked at her plate bored. Their siblings were talking to each other, leaving this the perfect opportunity to talk about what she was told to ask him.

" Nothing." She lied.

" Hmm.... alright... oh I should tell you that I'm switching schools" she changed her glance up to his eyes.

" Where?" He smirked.

" Ouran High school heard it had a host club, I'm kinda interested" she felt relieved that he said that, but having to ask the question. But of course, someone has to change that.

" Oh- the one sissy is in?" She could feel herself flinch, turning towards her younger sibling, that being Hina.

" Ahhh, guess there going to be a pair of twins in there- wait, your dress up like a boy there right?" She looked up at him, staring into his soul with those eyes. But it didn't scare him.

" There are already twins, and also yes, I don't want to be compared to you" he sighs with a cocky smile, placing his fork down since he was gone eating.

" Your hair doesn't suit that look, how sad" She grits her teeth, her grasp tighting on the table cloth, feeling herself wanting to punch him. He cockily smiles with a tired look in his eyes.


" shut up before I punch you" Y/n warned, turning towards her brother with an aggravated expression, feeling herself wanting to punch him. But she was in school, having it not be an option.

" Oh- who's this?~" she looked up at Hikaru, seeing his teasing glare.

" Someone that's not important, let's go" she quickly grabbed his hand, dragging him away from her brother, having him watch with a disappointing smile.

" Man, that hurt!" He cries out.

" Are you Hoshi?" He turns, seeing a girl with a light blush looking up at him.

" Yes," his eyes went wide, her blush seeming to become even darker.

" I-I'm your biggest fan..." she mutters, he didn't realize what was happing tell she said that she was a fan of his.

He smirks, " Why would you be a fan of mine? Your too pretty to like my acting skills" Y/n groans as she overhears the conversation from a mile away. He was purposely being loud.

" Y/n, who was that guy? He seems like a jerk." Hikaru asks once more as she dragged him into a room, pushing him inside before slamming the door behind herself.

She takes a deep breath, " my older brother," he looks at her confused.

" You have an older brother?" She nodded, leaning against the door as she slides down the door with a heavy sigh.

" Yeah, he isn't my favorite so I didn't tell you guys" he could feel himself get mad by the fact that she lied to him, and the host club. Wasn't he a friend?

" So, how long were you going to wait to tell me?" She looked up at him to see his slight angered expression.

" When I trusted you guys" he turns away from her face.

" so we give you our trust but you don't return it?" That set Y/n off, having her grip at her clothes.

" it's not like that!" she complained having him turn to look down at her.

" Then what is it Y/n?" He snaps back as her glance was towards the floor, not knowing how to respond.

" You'll leave me like the others"

" EKKK!" They screeched as the two siblings 'flirt', their e/c eyes showing hatred towards each other, the girls not noticing due to the act they were pulling.

" You should be careful Y/n... we won't want you getting hurt don't we?" She wanted to drop kick him as he looked up at her with a soft smile as he rubbed her cheek while holding her cut hand.

She faked blushed in response, " No big brother, I-I'm sorry" he smirks, leaning into her face, having her turn away.

' oh god this is just getting gross, how are they liking this?'

They both thought as he stared at her blushing expression.

" it's my fault for not taking care of you" he whispered, having her glance into his eyes, cupping his cheek as he did the same.

" But I'm supposed to be taking care of you"

" Now there are two twin acts?" Hikaru and Kaoru spoke out as Koyoa writes in his book. He was quite happy, more customers were coming in, meaning more money.

" Yes, and is there a problem?" Koyoa asks, turning towards them as he shut his book closed. They looked up at him.

" Yeah, the problem is that she kept it a secret that she had a twin brother..." Hikaru starts, looking over towards the little act they were doing.

" Yeah, I mean it shows that she doesn't have any trust for us" Karou adds, turning to look over at them as well.

" She could have had family issues, and that's why she didn't say anything... does that make sense?" Koyoa smiled as he spoke, having them become frustrated. Why would she try to hide a family issue like that from them?

" Look, he's touching her with such love! Why can't I be her big brother!?" Tamaki cried, having Haruhi to gag. She wasn't expecting that when she decided to join the little chat they were having.

" Tamaki-senpai, that is gross" he grew flustered, turning to see Haruhi standing beside him. It took a minute for what he said to register in his mind.

" Not like that!! Like a lover!" He whispered shout, making sure the other girls don't hear him, which was a surprise due to how loud and dramatic he usually is.

" that's still gross"


Word count: 1101

Posted: 12/15/20


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