|| Chapter Six 🩸||
"Imagine not answering my phone calls because you ion wanna talk to me." Polo said, while jumping on top of Von who was sitting on the couch on his phone.
Von rolled his eyes, and pushed the boy off of him which made him follow on the floor.
Polo, was jus laughing his ass off "you annoyin' that's why ion answer my phone folks." He replied back to the younger boy.
"He not annoying bitch don't be mean to Taurus." Melly said, from the kitchen now walking out with some nuggets on a plate.
Von rolled his eyes again now at his other friend Melly, "Why yo crazy ass up in my kitchen eatin' my food & shit?" Melvin, jus shrugged his shoulders "bitch i'm hungry suck my dick."
Once again the male rolled his eyes, and went back on his phone.
Not even a couple second later Polo got a text to his phone, and the boy was smiling hard as fuck then got up from the floor.
"Aye, i'm out this bitch finna go see Tjay bye." He said while, walking out the front door.
Both Melvin & Von looked at each other & laughed.
(polotjay 🥺 i gotta add them any book i make idc)
A couple of hours later, Melvin left N Durkio came to Von house after.
Both males sat downstairs in the kitchen, Von sat on top of the counter and Durkio stood in between his legs.
Von was on his phone textin' his sister who was on his ass because he ain't talk to her inna minute.
Durkio blew smoke in the distracted younger male face.
Von scrunched his face up, and leaned back. "Why yo ugly do that?" he asked & Durkio jus shrugged.
"pay attention to me." Durk said taking a couple of more puffs before handing it to Von.
The boy put the blunt out, causing Durk to punch him in the arm.
"on foenem ima call polo here so we can jump yo ass." The blonde dread man said grabbing his phone to FaceTime Taurus.
Von jus sat there on the counter staring at Durk, as he smiled when Polo answered the phone.
Dayvon tuned out their conversation still looking at Durkio.
When Durk hung up the FaceTime call, he walked back over to Von & stood back in between his legs & put his hands around the boy waist.
He put his head on his chest & von ran his fingers through Durkio hair.
"I gotta home my baby mom dropping my son off to me." Durk mumbled with his face still in his chest.
(Don't his dyke ass got a son?)
Von sighed and pushed Durk off his chest making the male look at him, with a cute sad face.
(ngl i feel like his sad face be cute irl lol an adorable hood nigga.)
Once He did that, Von kissed his male.
(i'm not good at writing but i'm hungry finna make some noodles okay continue💀)
After a couple minutes of them kissin' they broke away for air, Von laughed before pushing the boy away. "Go getcha yo son nigga."
"I'ma hit yo phone when I get in the crib love you Twin." Durkio said laughing knowing that the Von don't like be called his twin.
Dayvon mugged the male & rolled his eyes, "You incest my nigga."
(ain't nun wrong wit lil incest😭 nah i'm playin if you on that type shit you gotta gtfo.)
Durkio jus laughed & walked out the door.
Von locked his front door & went back into the kitchen.
He grabbed his gun that was left on the table, dangerous i know.
'silent assassin time.'
a/n: I Had To Rewrite This Chapter Three Fuckin Times! & I Still Don't Like It 😂 But Whatever Hopefully Y'all Enjoy, Sorry If It's Any Mistakes.