|| Chapter Ten🩸||
*this chapter is long*"You really do got a lazy eye." Von said out of nowhere looking at the other in the face.
Durkio rolled his eyes, "My nigga what that gotta do wit anything I'm talking about?" he questioned.
& Von jus shrugged, it really did have nothing to do wit what he was saying, but still Dayvon jus wanted to point it out.
What they were talking about before Von said something about the male 'lazy eye' they were speaking about how to rob this one nigga.
Von honestly suggested they rob him.
Durkio only gave in because Von can get a little out of control when it comes to robberies.
Once they got everything figured out, found out where the nigga was at & all, they jus had wait a couple hours.
It was three a.m.
Both of the males sat in their car waiting for the nigga to pull up.
Couple seconds a little, a car pull up it was two niggas & some bitch.
Dayvon tapped, Durkio who lookin at his phone & shit.
"Ay there that nigga go." Von started. "but he with another nigga." the male finished.
All Durk did was nod.
They both got out the car, neither one of them had on a mask.
(fuck covid, smoking on that covid pack all 2020🦦)
Let these niggas snitch they gon be dead by tomorrow morning.
Both, males walked up to door them niggas & bitch went through.
Neither one was scared.
Even after they heard the nigga was 'gangster'
Whatever the outcome is, that's what it is fuck it.
Von & Durk walked in the door where the other niggas had went.
Both had their blicks on them of course.
Anyways, once they caught up to niggas.
They put their guns to the back over the niggas head.
Von told the bitch that was wit the other two, to turn around and face the wall or he'll bust her shit.
Durkio laughed when he said that.
Dayvon, took money out both of the niggas pocket while Durkio still had his gun on them.
"Y-you Got T-the Money Y-y'all C-can Leave N-now." One of the niggas said.
He was shakin' and squirmin' and fidgetin' jus like the little bitch he was.
The other nigga he was wit doing the same thing bitchin'
The bitch that was there giggled at the two.