7 (world 2 - end)

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The sun shone bright and Jaemin was woken up by a kiss. He immediately woke up with a smile.

❝Good morning, my love❞ he cooed

❝My love? Well that's a first❞

❝What do you mean? I've been calling you that these past few weeks❞ Jaemin chuckled.

Renjun quickly got up and looked at the calendar.

❝Huh? It's already August, Jaemin, was I in coma?❞

Reality also hit the younger.

He was gone.

Huang Renjun, no, the other Renjun was gone.

And Na Jaemin had to live with this reality for the rest of his life.

Tears made their way up his face.

❝Yes, you were in coma❞

The blonde got up and made his way to his lover and hugged him.

❝I, I missed you so much❞

The tears fell.

He missed Renjun. Both Renjun's.

❝I missed you too❞

❝Should we go to the hospital?❞

❝No, I feel perfectly fine, I'll go make breakfast❞

The younger nodded and pulled his phone out. He was glad he saved Renjun's number.

You're back, aren't you my love? I woke up this morning and Renjun kissed me. Something you never did. I hope you're happy. At least, now, I realised, I want you here more than anyone else. I don't know if you'll get this message but I'm trying since you got Jaemin's messages while you were still here, but, I love you Huang Renjun❞ he sent.

A minute later, he received a reply.

This sucks, it really does. I feel like I'm in the wrong world. Oh God, Jaemin-ssi, I love you

If he said he didn't feel the same about the elder, he was wrong. He was head over heels for the brunnete.

He wished Renjun could've stayed. For once in his life, he wanted a different one. A different Renjun.

It felt so wrong to stay with the one he's with right now. If only, if only their world's never collided. If only he had made those memories with his original lover.

❝Jaemin-ah!! The pancakes are ready!❞

The younger wiped his tears and made his way to the kitchen.

Putting his phone on the kitchen , the blonde started speaking.

❝Hey baby❞

❝You're acting so weird❞

Jaemin hugged him.

❝I just, I really missed you❞

At that exact time, his phone lit up, and Renjun saw his wallpaper.



❝Who is he? I don't remember us taking those pictures❞

Jaemin sighed, he knew he couldn't hide it forever.

❝Can we sit down first?❞

And they did as he asked.

❝Remember when you got into a car accident?❞

❝Yeah, I woke up today❞

❝No, I mean yeah but that same evening, you woke up❞

Renjun scrunched his eyebrows.

❝No, not you. Renjun. Renjun from a parallel universe woke up❞

Getting entertained, he asked more.

❝I thought he was you so I kissed him until he slapped me. I was also confused to why you did that. Until, until he told me about multiverses. I was so shocked and sad that it wasn't you❞


❝Don't get mad at me. I just couldn't process the fact that a person that looks exactly like you, exists. We kissed many times. We even did it once, yesterday, before he went back. And it feels so empty. When he first came, he was so sad❞


❝You and I, in a different universe, we weren't together. We went from becoming bestfriends to strangers. In a different universe, you love me but I'm dating someone else❞



Renjun never liked seeing the younger sad, so he decided to make him laugh a little.

❝Ew! Yangyang my cousin?!❞

❝Yeah, you have a cousin named Yangyang?❞

Renjun took his phone out and showed Jaemin.

❝Babe, I'll choose you over 100 Yangyang's anyday❞

❝I'd choose you too, we don't have to worry, he has a boyfriend named Hendery❞

Jaemin nodded and also took his phone out.

Hey Jaemin-ssi, we're together now. You and I, in my world, we're finally together

Jaemin's eyes lit up. The empty feeling, finally filled, and he could finally smile.

❝What's up?❞ the elder asked.

❝It's Renjun, he just texted and said that they're finally together❞

A smile also appeared on Renjun's face.

❝See, I told you. Whatever world we're in, I'm always gonna fall in love with you❞ he whispered.

The younger stood up and grabbed his lover's chin.

Renjun knowing what was happening, closed his eyes and Jaemin leaned in.

Their lips met.

❝I love you, so much Injunnie❞

❝I love you too Nana❞

Okay, this really sucked but I don't have any ideas. I just wanted to write World 2, Jaemin's point of view.

Okay, now is the real end. Thanks for reading, bye!

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