Ch.4 Fine

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■(Y/N) POV■

I walk with Daichi and told him about my life here. We stop by at a convenience store in a junction where Daichi will take a different route toward where he stays. I bought canned tea and onigiri while Daichi's drinks coffee.

Daichi : You did all of that job Y/N? How did you manage to?

Y/N : yes, during weekdays I help at the Tsumugi Restaurant from 9 a.m to 3 p.m, after that I work at the Ibara flower shop until 7 p.m, but today it lasts longer because we have a huge order for tomorrow.

Daichi : And Kouichi stayed at the Tsumugi until you finish?

Y/N : yes, I mean the Tsumugi are my relatives, and they're happy to have Kouichi there.

Daichi : what about the weekend? Do you still have work?

Y/N : I work in the Ibara from 9 a.m to 5 p.m and then help at the Tsumugi or go home with Kouichi. But sometimes I help at my friend's bar if they need more hands. On Sunday just at the Tsumugi or take a day off

Daichi : a Bar? You? I mean no offense Y/N you don't even lik-

Y/N : I work in the backroom, mostly I help with the dishes or cooking. Well sometimes I served order but it's rarely happening. Don't worry my friend knew I don't really like the smell of alcohol.

Daichi looks worried but I reassure him that I'm fine. We talk until we finish our drinks. Daichi told me he and Yui already married last year and expecting their first son in 2 months. He keeps on reminding me not to work too hard. Before he left Daichi seems like, in deep thought, I tapped his shoulder snap him out of his mind.

Y/N : what's wrong Daichi?

Daichi : Y/N, do you really have to do all of that work? You look... exhausted

Y/N : I have to ( i look at Kouichi's sleeping face on my shoulder) I have to pay for some bills and save up for you know Kouichi's. He'll turn four in a couple of months and will enter daycare or kindergarten.

We got up from our seats and say goodbye to each other. I already start to walk toward my house when Daichi called

Daichi : Y/N

Y/N : what is it Daichi?

Daichi : I think Suga should at least know about Kouichi, I'm sure he'll hel-

Y/N : n-no Daichi it's alright, I don't want to bother him, if he's happy then that's it.

Daichi : but Suga is-

Y/N : Daichi ( I look at him and give him my best smile ) I'm fine, it's alright I'll do everything for Kouichi. I'm truly are happy. Glad to see you Daichi I hope we can meet again.

■Daichi POV■

Y/N walk away from me. I look at her small figures holding her son which definitely is the spitting image of Sugawara.

Daichi : I'm glad you're happy and fine, but Suga.... I can't say the same for him.

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