11. Tell Me All About Her.

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The week went by so quickly, I barely had enough time to clean the house before the boys had to come over.

I ran around the almost empty hallways, stashing things away and trying to find room in the storage closet for certain things. I'm not sure what the boys need help with, but I think Kageyama and Hinata are going to be working on math, and Suga-kun needs help on the homework that we both have, which is english. Hopefully, this'll go by quick.

I heard a small knock on the door, causing me to jump up from my current position of stuffing the closet. I'm only wearing booty shorts and a large shirt, which gave me flashbacks to the last time I wore this outfit; when I argued with Akiko, and Kageyama showed up suspiciously early with no excuse as to why.

I shook my head, walking calmly to the front door, straightening up my shorts, since I don't want to reveal too much.

I opened it swiftly, now glancing between Suga-kun and Kageyama. "Hey." I greeted plainly, then stepped aside and gestured for them to come in. Suga-kun glanced around, while both of them took off their shoes. "You have a nice home, Shimi-Chan!" He cheered, as Kageyama trudged ahead of us to the living room. Suga-kun seemed to notice as well, since he quickly ran to him. "Kags! It's not polite to just wander off! Especially since it's your first time here!" Suga-kun scolded him, waving around a finger.

Both Kageyama and I looked at each other quizzically at Suga-kun's words. "What? It's not my first time here." Kageyama broke the news to Suga-kun, shrugging off his hand that was resting on his shoulder. He then proceeded to walk to the living room, until he disappeared from my line of sight.

Suga-kun, who was originally facing away from me, turned around with a mischievous grin on his features. "So~" he sang, as he placed his hands behind his back and strutted toward me. He stopped just one foot away from me, leaning down into my face. "He's been over here before, huh? I wonder why..?" He pondered to himself, looking off to the side, before returning his playful gaze onto me.

I froze in my spot. Why am I nervous about this? He was over here for the project, it's not like we did anything bad, plus Akiko was there too—uh, for the most part..

"Stop teasing me, it was only for a project." I pouted, crossing my arms and turning away. Suga-kun smiled widely at me, before standing up straight. "Whatever you say, Shimi-Chan~" He chirped, before turning around and gesturing for me to walk ahead. I sighed, about to take a step forward, until I heard another knock at the door.


"Okay, hand in your papers." I demanded, holding out my palm. The boys did as they were told, and once I had all of them, I flipped through the pages. "While I'm grading them, Kageyama and Hinata, you two work on the sheets, and Suga—" I stopped myself, tracing my eyes around his paper, before nodding stoutly. "You got this one wrong, and that one, and.. somehow you used the wrong formula and got the correct answer for this one." I giggled, as he perked up, trying to look at the paper I was holding.

"Here, for number three..."

—~~—~~Kageyama's POV~~—~~—

I watched Suga scoot closer to Shimizu, and she didn't really mind. Her face didn't turn red or anything! I glanced back down to my paper, trying to focus on a certain problem—but they're so close together.. I know she's only tutoring him, but does he have a crush on her? I've heard him call her 'Shimi-Chan', and sometimes at practice I hear her call him 'Suga-kun'. He's way closer to her than I am..

Rejection. (Kageyama x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now