2. Mt. Everest.

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It's been a week since I've had my run-in with the volleyball club. I've never seen anyone on the team around the halls, so I assume all of our schedules are the opposite of one another.

The school bell blared into my ears, signifying first period is over. After free period, it was finally second period. Everyone in my free period class stood up, and most of them trampled over one another to get to me.

"Hey, Shimizu-Chan! We need to talk about—"

"Shimizu-Chan! I heard Hideaki confessed—"

"Shimizu-Chan! Remember when I told you—"

Everyone's voices were drowned out by one another. I managed to squeeze myself out of that situation, walking off to the hall and heading toward my second period. I felt eyes on me as I walked by, and I ignored them and pretended I didn't care. Once I slid open the doors to my classroom, the late bell rung, screaming at everyone to get into their seats.

I sat down next to Akiko-San, who was my supposed best friend. She's never been in my house, and I've never been to hers. We only text for homework answers, and I'm pretty sure she's only friends with me to raise her popularity.

"(Y/n)-Chan! Hideaki confessed to you?! Why didn't you tell me this, we're supposed to be best friends!" She whined, slapping my arm a bit. "Sorry. I forgot." I replied plainly, then the teacher strutted into the doors. "Alright class, settle down." She announced her presence, and the classroom that was once bustling with friendly voices quieted down to hushed whispers.

"Today, we have arranged a group project. It's very critical that you must have a group of three people. I'll let you talk among yourselves to figure out the group pairings." The teacher then sat quietly as students began to stand up and find partners. Akiko touched my shoulder, smiling greatly. I nodded, already knowing she wants to be my partner. As people swarmed us, they were mostly directing their questions at me, but Akiko took pride and stood tall at her fans.

"Sorry, but (Y/n)-Chan and I need to find the perfect partner. So it'll take us a few minutes to figure it out." Akiko reported, her hands on her hips triumphantly. The people around us groaned, then chose partners between themselves.

"Your group of three must be decided by the end of the day, for now, go over pages sixty through eighty to pick a topic for your assignment."

Akiko stood from her seat, walking over to the bookshelf and grabbing two books for her and I. She slammed it on my desk, then smiled at me. The teacher walked around and spoke to a few certain students before she arrived at our desks. "Nakamura and Shimizu. Where's your third partner?" The teacher grabbed our attention, so we shot our heads up from our books.

"We don't have one yet, miss." Akiko stated, and the teacher nodded. "Well, come to me at the end of the day and tell me once you find them." The teacher commanded, then walked off, the clicks of her heels fading over to the other desks.

"So, (Y/n)-Chan, what do you think we should do? How about Mount. Everest?" Akiko proposed, pointing at a picture of the mountain, smiling at me hopefully. I nodded in return, and she pumped a fist into the air. The assignment is great land formations. So I think Mount. Everest would be quite an easy one. We need a small poster board for our final product, and all three of us need to write three essays on what we've learned. That might be my least favorite part about this assignment. 


The day ended pretty quickly, and Akiko and I were about to walk home, when I suddenly remembered we need to find a third partner. I stopped in my tracks, and Akiko noticed, turning around and staring at me quizzically. "We need a third partner." I answered her look, then she opened her mouth in shock.

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