Chapter Two

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Every Sunday big mamma and granny would always have a southern cook dinner. You could smell her fried chicken and greens a mile away. People all over town would come to big mamma house just to get some of her black eyes peas. It's like one of those gatherings or I should say a family cook out where everybody would be in the back yard eating some of Old Papa fried frogs legs and some of Edna Mae sweet potato pie.

For some reason everyone love big mamma and granny cooking. It was something about their food that brought everyone together. They say in order to get closer to a person heart is through there stomach, said Jane.

Once my grandma had to fix my cousin Shan and his sister a huge plate of food because she thought they were sick standing over there looking like a tooth pick. She was like "babe come on in your granny house so I can fix ya'll a plate of my greens",said granny. I might have to fix two plates because ya'll look like ya'll going to need it, granny had added.

As they started walking inside the house they started getting negative attention from some of the family members. Child how much ya'll weight? Ya'll look like you could be thirty pounds. One of my aunties from the country said as they walk into the house. They were so thin that they blend in with the pole on the sidewalk. That was funny, I like that, one of my cousins said.

That is one thing my family is best known for is a family who love each other and a southern cook dinner.

As the day goes on you can see the smiles on everyone faces as they enjoy themselves with joy and fun. The children running around playing while the adults talking and laughing about good old times.

As big mamma sit back and look at her family she realize that what had all alone was her family.

By the end of the day everybody would come around in a circle and sing Praise Hymns. Big mamma and granny thought this would be the best thing because without Jesus they wouldn't be here. They would start off by singing I'm Going Through then they would switch over to I Know It Was The Blood and ended it with Tomorrow. Great Greatma Edna Mae love to sing her hymns because they were her Praise of Worship. We could not leave this family gathering without giving our last thinks to our Heaven Father. God has been good to all over me throung my trials and tribulation and right now I need to give my all to him. God has been to good to me and my family.

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