Chapter 11

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Those people were stunned by Meng Yang's words, and Luo Sheng clenched his fists and glared at Meng Yang, saying: "It doesn't seem to teach you a lesson, your crazy words are going to end!"

Luo Sheng's fist had just been raised, and the bodyguard standing next to him had moved quickly to Luo Sheng, took Luo Sheng's fist, and pressed him to the ground.

"Dare you do anything to me ?!" Luo Sheng's heart was even more furious, but he soon recognized that the bodyguard was always following his father, but was pressed to the ground in front of so many people. To make him feel ashamed, he struggled and shouted: "Let me go! I let you go, did you hear me ?!"

"Master Master," Uncle Yuan said, "Master Meng Yang has indeed registered his marriage with Mr., and a wedding will be held after a certain period of time. The gentleman has told him that Master Meng Yang is now the owner of Longling Mountain like him. "

"Have you heard it?" Meng Yang looked at Luo Sheng and said: "I am the master here now, as to whether you will be in the future, maybe you are."

"Impossible!" Luo Sheng shouted with ugly face: "How could my father suddenly marry him? This is absolutely impossible !!!"

"It's impossible, you can ask your father if you don't know." Meng Yang turned and said, "Uncle Yuan, take me to the master bedroom to see."

"Yes." Uncle Yuan respectfully replied and led the way ahead.

Other people look at me and look at you. They all see the expression of incredulous shock from each other's faces and eyes.

"Well, what the **** is going on?"

"Meng Yang actually married Luo Sheng's father? How is this possible?"

"Yeah, not to mention anything else. Meng Yang had been with Luo Sheng before. With this alone, how could Luo Sheng's father marry Meng Yang? Besides, Luo Sheng's father was not the same age as Meng Yang. Too much. "

"Why in the end, why did Luo Sheng's father marry Meng Yang?"

"How could we know the reason? Luo Sheng ......"

When everyone looked at Luo Sheng and wanted to ask him if he knew the reason, they found that Luo Sheng's face was ugly to a certain degree, and looking at him, he certainly didn't know the reason, so he didn't dare asked.

In addition to Luo Sheng ’s face being the most ugly, Yu Junchen ’s face was also very ugly, because if Meng Yang really married Luo Sheng ’s father, then Meng Yang became Luo Sheng ’s elder, and he felt Meng Yang will definitely let Luo Sheng's father stop him from marrying Luo Sheng.

Uncle Yuan took Meng Yang to the master bedroom, which is Luo Xiu's living room. This is a suite with many rooms.

Meng Yang and Lu Yunjing walked into the bedroom. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows were the open-air swimming pool and garden. Looking out at the sea, the blue sea surface rolled up in layers, the view was very good.

"Are you really planning to stay here?" Lu Yunjing asked after walking down to the sofa in the garden.

"I have married Uncle Luo, and of course I want to live here." Meng Yang stood beside the fence and looked at the sea in the distance.

Although the hatred of the previous life is still not eliminated in the heart, at present, revenge is not the most important, and revenge is the most important, so he will create the opportunity to get along with Luo Xiu as much as possible.

At this moment, Luo Sheng had rushed to the headquarters of the Luo Group to question Luo Xiu.

"Luo Dong, Master Young wants to see you." The assistant outside the office said through the conversation machine.

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