Extra I

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Luo Junye, who is already seven years old, is standing in Luo Xiu 's study room. Luo Xiu 's education for children is very strict. When criticizing and punishing, he will never be soft-hearted because the child is young, but the child does enough. In good times, he will also praise them.

There are always some people who think that when a child is young, he does n't understand and should not be too harsh on the child, so that he loses the innocence that the child should have, and then he is laissez-faire and sheltered because he is a child. He behaved wrongly. When the child grows up to a certain age and he wants to control it, he finds that the child is too rebellious and can't control it at all.

The easiest way to destroy a child's future life is to let him grow up freely and happily.

Although Luo Xiu is very busy, he does not neglect the education of his children. He wants children to learn to be self-disciplined, learn the right attitude to live with others, and let them have enough perseverance to teach them how to use mentality In the face of setbacks, guide him to find a way to solve the problems he encountered.

"... Little clever will never be able to achieve great wisdom. If you are young, you will develop the habit of playing clever. The higher you go, the worse you will fall." Luo Xiu looked at Luo Junye and asked, "I'll tell you Do you have any unknown words? "

"I understand my father." Luo Junye answered straightly.

"Go apologize to the teacher and show me all the practice questions again." Luo Xiu said with a straight face.

"Yes." Luo Junye turned and walked away. After all, he was just a seven-year-old child. After being so severely taught by Luo Xiu, he was inevitably frustrated and sad, lowering his head to the door.

"Lift your head!" Luo Xiu said sternly.

Luo Junye shuddered, immediately straightened his back, raised his head to stare straight ahead, then opened the door and went out.

Luo Junye returned to his study, apologized to the two teachers, and sat down to continue solving the problem.

In the flower room, Meng Yang was holding his little son who was about one year old and about two years old, and watching the four-year-old second son solving wooden wisdom box. He knew that Luo Junye was called by Luo Xiu to criticize the lesson because he was tricking the teacher. But he did not intend to say anything about it. Every time the child did something wrong, and when Luo Xiu taught the child, Meng Yang did not participate, did not intervene, and did not appear. He must let the child learn to reflect on his mistakes.

Luo Junhan pushed the last symbol to the correct position, and the four locks in the wooden box were finally opened. He said happily, "Dad you see, I have all opened again."

"Awesome." Meng Yang praised with a smile: "It took less time than last time, Junhan is smarter."

Hearing Meng Yang's praise Luo Junhan laughed happily, he relocked the box and then continued to unlock it.

Meng Yang continued to watch him unlock. The method of unlocking this wisdom box is different every time. It is specifically used to exercise the children's active brain skills. Although Junhan's solution is only a junior wisdom box, he has unlocked it several times after he was only four years old, and this junior wisdom box is suitable for children between seven and ten years old.

Meng Yang thought that although Jun Ye was only seven years old, he had long stopped playing with the smart box, because he could easily unlock the high-level smart box. This kid was really smart, so he was guided correctly. Education is also more important.

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