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suddenly abhi bhai spoke


abhi= hey guys

everyone = what

abhi : lets do a sleepover

jai: you scared me out 

avu : yes bhai 

abhi : sorry 

sid : anyways idea is nice

avu : yes lets do it in my house okay

sid : i will go and get our clothes 

avu : yes sid will you mind if I come with you coz I haven't seen mom since a long

sid: you mean my mom

avu : yaa do u mind?

jai: you know he don't let any girl come in his bi-

sid: its okay lets go 

everyone except sidneet got shocked

everyone : what ??????

sid: yes

jai: we will see you later bro(smirking)

avu : lets go 

avu and sid were moving toward their bike and whole college was shocked and staring at them     people were murmuring that "who is she " why is she sitting on his bike" as he never let anyone sit on his bike and girls were jealous on her

avu: is everything okay why is everyone looking at us?

sid : nothing they are just gossiping

avu : it looks something impossible happended

sid in mind : exactly no girl have got right for this

avu : can I drive pleeease 

sid by seeing her puppy face melted and said yes but he never says yes to anyone else this made people of college more shocked and made girls jealous

girl1 : who is that girl and why the heck is she sitting on master's bike and even in driving seat(let me remind you that everyone in college calls him that because he excells in every skills like avu and all dirty minded people do't use your brains)

girl2 = she must be the new addmission all school is taking about her beauty , skill and etc etc arishfa 

arishfa: we need to warn her aashika he is only mine

aashika: okay

(so girl 1 is arishfa khan and girl 2 is aashika bhatia)  

meanwhile in sidneet

sid : looks like you are so intersted in bikes and racing 

avu : yes , its my passion, world, my life

sid smile at this

avu : lets go 

sod : okay

avu: are you scared of speed?

sid: no I am also racer 

avu: wow really cool lets gooo

she drive really fast and reaches in 5 minutes and gets down of bike

avu : let me wear mask I am seeing mom after a long lets see if she recognises or not

sid : okay lets see

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