chapter 1

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I found a really pretty word today.


A Homesickness. The feeling of longing for a home that never was. A deep and irrational bond felt with a time, place or person.


Beginning to stir, I reluctantly opened my eyes. Only to be greeted with the warm glow of the october sun filling my bedroom. So effortlessly, it swallowed the small space, like it didn't care if anyone wanted it there or not. With a tired arm, I stretch over to my nightstand to grab my cell phone. As per usual no messages. How mundane.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, I fling my forearm over my dreary blue eyes in an attempt to hide my face from the world. Laying there in an attempt to lull myself back into a blissful slumber that so desperately called me, I stayed as still as possible. However the bright, chipper voice that called my name from the downstairs kitchen had other ideas.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready."

"Yeah yeah, i'm coming. Give me a minute" i mumble back

"hurry, it'll get cold"

Dragging my lifeless figure out of the cosy futon that one held my sleeping form, my body instantly felt the cold. Miyagi weather sure is different from home. A strong shiver was sent up my spine as a result of the cool air, not to mention my poor choice of clothing. A pair of light blue polyester drawstring shorts, a grey NASA crop top that i've had since i moved from Kyoto and to top it all off the baby blue fluffy socks that my sister got me last Christmas. what an outfit; if I do say so myself.

As I began to desend the stairs, the smell of fresh pancakes, strawberries, bacon. eggs and freshly buttered toast filled my nose. To be honest I'm not even sure how I deciphered all those smells, must be a mystery I guess, that; or I'm magic. Who knows. As I sluggishly walked over to the kitchen I proceeded to perch myself up onto the bar stool that sat at the edge of the marble island counter. Crossing my arms, waiting to be fed.

"your up early this morning, usually you don't even move until noon."my sister giggled as she placed a plate of goodness down in front of me, flicking me in the forehead and walking off before I could even say anything, probably to piss me off.

"you know I've never been a morning person kaya. What demon sent from hell even came up with the idea of getting up at 7am." I retorted with a snarky smile plastered on my smug face.

I begin to munch on the food that was so graciously made by my older sister. only to be interrupted by my cell ringing abruptly on the counter. Cautiously I check the name on the front of the screen, "iwaizumi" it read. what the hell could he want? Admittedly he is my childhood best friend but he usually texts, in only emergency's does he ring me. I reach over and grab the small turquoise flip phone and press answer.

"Y/N!!!!" Iwa almost screamed into the phone, " how's Miyagi! isn't it great. I can't wait to actually see you in person again. I haven't even seen you since Kyoto."

"Woah. calm down Iwa. you'll see me tomorrow, considering we'll be going to the same school now" I explain wholeheartedly, almost surprised by his reaction.

My sister and I share a smile and I look back down at the phone.

"Iwa how about you pick me up to take me to school tomorrow? considering your so desperate to see me" I let out a small giggle as I hear him ponder the idea

"Alight ill hold you to it and don't get cranky at me because you have to get up early ok?" he threatened

"ok ok, bye Iwa ill see you tomorrow morning" I smile sweetly even though he can't see it, and hang up the phone.

As my sister and I continued on in our kitchen, her cleaning up the mess of porcelain plates covered in the shiny residue that I had just pored on my pancakes, and me, finding my way out onto the balcony to enjoy the morning view. The small homes that scattered the hillside like sprinkles on a cupcake, automatically catch my eye. How beautiful. Each one glimmering like a diamond in the rough. 

I do really miss Kyoto, but my sister and I believed that a fresh start would be best. Our parents weren't really in our lives much as kids, so most of the time we would stay at our grandparents house. However, one day our parents stopped coming to visit. We asked our grandparents multiple times, "when are they coming back?" but as it turns out our parents had stopped contacting them shortly after they stopped coming.

So here we are. Starting fresh in Miyagi. My sister is a senior in collage, and actually managed to land a part time job at the convenience store down the street, to pay the bills and get food into our stomachs. And me Ill be going to Aoba Johsai High school. I'm a second year, Iwaizumi is a year older than me so he's a third year however. He's one of the only friends I've ever had so its going to be hard making friends that are the same age as me.

sorry this chapters kinda short the next chapter is sure to have a lot more "plot" if you get what I mean. also thanks so much for reading❤️

I'll be updating tomorrow 😊

hiraeth (oikawa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now