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Walking through the cold, steel hallway, Brett could feel so many pairs of eyes on him as he fell into step behind the prison guards, their footsteps echoing loudly throughout the long, winding hallway of cells, alerting each occupant of the cells that someone new had arrived. From the deafening sound of falling footsteps, each man in his respected cell felt tension, as each man based an image of him from his footsteps; harsh and echoing through their heads as he passed, but when each occupied got a look at Brett, they were filled with confusion.

Trotting behind the prison guards, Brett Cavinar stood at no more and no less than 5 foot 4, his soft blond hair bouncing and shining as he walked. His jawline was smooth and his cheeks were round and rosey. He was petite and yet appeared to be strong from the weary glances cast from the guards as they performed their escort duties. The air around him seemed to be filled with hearts and flowers, reminding some of the younger prisoners or anime girls they had seen before; in fact that was it exactly. Brett was like an anime girl, all soft and well endowed in the correct places to make him appealing to different audiences. As he passed cell 354, Brett caught the eye of the man sat inside, with his body hunched forward, his elbows balanced on his knees, allowing him to balance his head in his hands comfortably so he could watch the new prisoner walk past. The scar that took up most of this man's face seemed to glow in the light, and Brett couldn't help but give this man a sweet smile, he seemed like he'd had a bad day.

Upon arriving at his cell (369), Brett entered without a word of command from the guards, no harsh shove or cursing or battle to get him to walk in, he just did it, and this left the guards bewildered, as they glanced at each other and then at the anime like boy, sat on the bed of his cell, smiling at the guards. Taken back, the taller of the two guards, Andrew, slammed the cell door shut, locked it and ushered Brett over with a small cock of his head to the left. Brett obeyed and walked forward, sliding his hands through the bar's with no instruction so the guards could remove his cuffs. "This is your cell," the shorter of the guards, Keith, said,"You'll spend a majority of your time here, though you will be let out for a staggered feeding time, can't have you starve to death. For good behaviour you can be let out to sit in the small common room at the bottom of the hall, where you can watch whatever we let you watch, you can join a short class, maybe learn Japanese or something along those lines. There's an outdoor gym, with stone and metal weights since that's what all the high security prisons are doing these days." Brett nodded, standing back from the bars and gently rubbing his wrists to try and ease the pain from the tight cuffs, he had dainty wrists after all. "Any questions, just holler and wait 1-2 hours for someone to give a shit." Andrew elbowed Keith, nearly taking out his eye. "Come on man! He's new, and he's like a child compared to these bastards, give him some privileges at least!" Keith, who was now attempting to unblind himself by rubbing his eye, glared at Andrew with his one good eye, "I don't care if he's the Queen of fucking Sheba, he's here for a reason and it doesn't matter if he looks innocent or childish or like a fucking anime swim boy, he's getting no silver spooning privileges!" The men, Andrew with his working eyes, and Keith, with his one working eye, glared at each other, until they heard someone clear their throat, causing both to turn to look at Brett, as he flashed a sweet smile at them. "I apologise gents but i shan't be needing anything. In fact I'm quite happy to be left on my own and I highly doubt I'll need to holler, but thank you kindly for the offer." Casting a sweet smile at the guards, it almost seemed as if hearts and flowers were coming from the boy, and the guards couldn't help but stare at him in awe as he spoke. He seemed to be glowing, all 5 foot 4 of him, exploding with colour and light and sweetness.

Shaking their heads as if woken from a trance the guards looked at each other, looked at Brett, looked at each other again and looked back at Brett. This went on for some time until Keith turned his head back too fast and whacked his nose off Andrew's chin, sending blood cascading down his face. "Shit sticks! My uniform!" "Never mind your fucking uniform, my NOSE!" Suddenly the guards broke into a slight argument, jab after jab of insults falling through their mouths until...

"Excuse me fella's." They whipped their heads round to stare at Brett, as his cast a seemingly worried glanced their way, "Insulting each other shan't resolve any conflict. Perhaps if you each went for a walk separately and came back clear headed you'd feel better." The hearts and flowers and sweetness seemed to surround Brett again and the guards just nodded and talked away, without a goodbye glance, nod or even a word spoken between the three of them. Brett stepped over to his bed and lay himself down on his back, staring at the cracks in the ceiling and reminiscing on his past, since his future didn't hold much more than grey cell bars and a never ending conflict between himself and the men who ran this place. The present wasn't that much more interesting anyway, he could reminisce or count the cracks on his ceiling; he took the first option until the second became interesting, though his assumption was he'd be bored of reminiscing fairly fast before the ceiling became more interesting. 

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