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Today, my school wants to have an art show to celebrate Christmas in 3 days.

Jimin and I were chosen to sing during the show. The two of us have been friends for a long time.

I also have a nickname for Jimin, Chimchim.


"This Christmas who will be singing for tomorrow's performance will be Jimin and Y/N." Ms. Lilly appointed Jimin and me to take part on stage.

"You two, please choose a suitable song for tomorrow's stage." She continued, and Jimin replied, "Okay, Ms. Lilly."

After school, Jimin asked me what song we wanted to sing.

"Which song do we want to choose?"

"The easy one..." I replied. Then he suggested, "What about Mistletoe?"

"Hmm okay. I'll listen to the song first, then I memorize it." And I agree.. even though I've never heard the song.

Then he asked doubtfully, "So, you haven't heard the song 'Mistletoe'?"

Uhh...awful. But it's true, I never heard that song.

I replied confidently, "Mmm, not yet. But I promise to memorize the song as quickly and best as possible."

Luckily he wasn't too angry.

"But we have to have a singing division, right?"

"Yes, that's right. If that's the case, let's talk at my house. OK?"

"Very well, then. I'll be going first. See you." Then he left and walked to his house.


At home

When I listen to the song well, it's actually not that difficult to memorize. So I memorized the whole song.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I opened the door quickly.

"Oh, Chimchim is arrive. Please come in..." I suggest him in, and he smiled at me. I smiled at him too.

"Let's just talk in my room." And he nods his head.

He explained everything where the part I will sing and which part will he sing. "So when this part gets here, you sing, I go on, then the two of us."

I nodded.

A few hours later, it was already evening.

"So you understand?" He asked while looking at me. I who was stared at like that suddenly felt nervous.


So how was my first chapter?? Is it good or not? Please tell me... Thank you and stay tuned😉😉😊😊💜💜💜

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