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Paris Vixen Isiah

THE DOOR SLAMMED CLOSE BEHIND HER, as Prosper placed the packages onto the console table, taking off her coat and placing her bag down.

Chanel, Prosper's four month old husky, ran towards her laying near her feet.

"Hey mommy's girl!" she said bending down to pick her up. Reaching the living room, Prosper sighed whilst pulling up the blinds. She loved the views she got from her apartment windows. She basically had a view of the entirety of London. It calmed her, sometimes she would just sit and watch as the cars drove past the seemingly always busy street.

Prosper grabbed Chanel's bag of food and poured food and water into the bowl before letting her down. After, she went back to her bag and grabbed her phone out of it. The only notifications were from people who wanted to buy some shoes and her assistant.

But what was she expecting. She didn't have anyone else to talk to. Shit was kinda depressing but what else was she supposed to do. The idea of going out and simply making conversation with people made her feel sick. Prosper was in the phase where she basically hated humans. A phase that would often come and go.

Her evening was full of packing orders, so they would be ready for shipment for tomorrow, whilst playing some Summer Walker in the background. This was how most of her evenings went. If she wasn't packing orders she was planning on the launch of her clothing brand. Prosper always lived by one rule 'If all else fails, never give up! Have something to lean back on.'

Unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door startling her. Who could possibly be at the door, especially at this time?

Prosper got up dragging herself  towards the door, looking through the peephole seeing the very same man from earlier standing outside the door. Hesitantly, she opened up the door, looking up and asked timidly "Can i help you?"

Valentino 'Lavish' Laurent

Valentino looked down seeing the same girl from earlier.  His 6'3 self towered over her. It made him smile, he thought it was cute.

"Can i help you?" she said, he couldn't help but to notice the softness of her voice.

"Shit i must've got the wrong door! Sorry-" he paused realising he didn't know her name.

"Prosper. My name is Prosper!"

"Prosper" he repeated. Pretty name for a pretty girl, he thought.

"My name is Lavish. Nice to meet you sweetness. Do you know where i can find number 181?"

"Nice to meet you too. Number 181 is on the next floor by the way." he took notice to the shy smile she returned, if you could even call it that.

"Calm, stay safe miss."

"You- you too." she stuttered. Lavish smirked as he walked away. He would definitely be seeing her again.

Prosper Vixen Isiah

Prosper couldn't help but to smile for some odd reason. Something she hadn't felt herself do in a very long time. Butterflies were nested deep in her stomach. But why did she feel like this, he barely said anything. Something she was trying to figure out herself. However, Prosper didn't like this feeling at all. In fact, she hated it as she wanted desperately for it to go away. She hoped that she wouldn't run back into him again. She needed to stay away.

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