Chapter 14

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Todayis graduation, and I'm really excited, I can't wait to go to college, and travel, and do anything I want to do. I've been talking with my parents, and most importantly isac, and they all said that they wouldn't mind me moving in with Andrew. With my parents, it wasn't such a big deal asking, but with isac, it became a really touchy subject, and we started crying. I would imagine it being the other way around, but it wasn't. He told me that he's just afraid of loosing me , and he can't imagine waking up, and me not being there to bug him and boss him around. I put on my cap and gown, and I hear the door open. I go down stairs and Andrew is there. I smile at him and hug him. His mom comes in right behind him, and while we are still hugging, she takes a picture of us. Andrew rolls his eyes, and then she makes us pose for at least about 15 different photos. We leave, and then when we get in his car he takes out something from his backpack, and hands me a small rose. We then get to the graduation ceremony, and when it finishes, we go and get our yearbooks. Its really sad having to say goodbye to everyone, and not knowing whether you'll ever see them again or not. I want to start to cry, but I don't want to Make a big deal. I can tell that Andrew can see it in my eyes, that I want to cry, then he says " what makes this moment, and life valuable is not that it lasts forever, but what makes it precious is that it ends."


We go to my house , and I grab my boxes that I have packed to take to Andrews. I packed most of my stuff, just all things that I need. I don't need to bring any furniture, because Andrew already has the guest room full of furniture. When I have all of my boxes in the Andrews car, I say by to my parents, but then they tell me that they have a surprise for me. They tell me to walk out to the garage, and I see a brand new black car. I stand in shock, and then I scream.  I run up to my parents and hug them. I say my last goodbyes, and isac is waiting for me at the front door. We stand there for a while, and I see a tear trickle down his face. I wrap my arms around him and start crying. I can't stop crying, and neither can he. Were both crying over each others shoulders, and I can feel his tears on my shirt. I attempt to release him, but he doesn't want to let go. After a while we stop hugging, and his eyes are red and puffy. He wipes a tear from his face with the back of his hand, I wipe my tears too, and when I look at my hand I see long streaks of mascara on my hand. I hug him one last time before we leave, and then he says " Im really going to miss you, you pain in the ass." I tell him the same, and we laugh. Then him and Andrew exchange their manly hugs, and Andrew says " you can come over anytime you want." He nods, and I'm about to shut the door, but then I open it and say " I'm sure you won't be too lonely without me with your new girlfriend around, if you know what I mean." I wink, and then we both laugh. I shut the door, and stand there a part of me wants to go back, but I keep walking, and then shut the door to Andrews car. When we get there, we carry the boxes to Andrews apartment. We carry my things to the guest room, and I set them up . there is only one small space on the desk left, then Andrew brings up a box and says " this is the last one." I open it, and smile. I see my rose there, and a can of whipped cream. There is a note there and it says " you almost forgot this. ~ISAC" I place the rose on the last small space on the desk,and water it. I put the note inside of my closet, and put the whipped cream in the fridge, because when isac comes over, I know he's going to want it. Andrew walks in with a hand leaning on the door and the other holding out a movie. I get up from my position on my knees, and walk over to Andrew, and grab the movie. I read it, and it says " never let me go." I smile and nod my head, I've always wanted to see this movie. We sit on the couch, and he plays the movie. Halfway through the movie it starts getting sad. I have to admit that tommy in the movie is a lot like andrew. He is sweet and romantic, and looks a lot like him too. At the end tommy has to give a donation of his organs, and dies. I start to cry, and andrew looks over at me, he gives a small laugh under his breath, and pulls me in towards him. The movie finishes, and he takes it out from the DVD player and says, " my turn," And takes out " insidious." I tell him " no!", and then he says " its not even that scary, besides I'll be here, you have nothing to be afraid of, its just a movie."

Andrew POV

We are watching insidious, and I can tell that she is scared, so I put my arm around her. Its her first night in my apartment, and I've already scared the poor girl half to death. When the movie finishes, I look over at her, and notice she is sleeping. I pick her up so that the back of her neck is above my arm, and her knees are bent over my other arm. I set her in her bed, and this time making sure that she is asleep, I whisper " I love you." I shut the door halfway, and go to my room.


I am woken up by the sound of my door opening, and I see a body standing beside my bed. I get scared, and jump out from under the cover and say " oh shit." I hit my head on the top of the headboard of my bed. I rub the top of my head, and turn on the lamp beside my bed. I see Ariel standing there, and she says " I got scared, can I stay with you?" I nod my head, and she comes with me. I never thought that this day would come, but it has, and I wouldn't trade any other moment in this world for the exact one that is happening now.

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