My orange soda spilled out of my cereal

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The title is a reference to B99
Tagged by lookalesbian

The title is a reference to B99Tagged by lookalesbian

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1) Your nickname.
Uh, I have a few nicknames. But Mino or Zee is good.

2) Your eye colour.
Brown, dark brown.

3) Your hair colour.
I have black hair.

4) One fact about you.
I French crochet sometimes.

5) Favourite colour.
Red, grey, blue, purple and green. Black is cool too.

6) Favourite place.
Uhhh my house.

7) Favourite celebrity.
Idk. I don't think I have one? If I had to pick tho- Noah Schnapp I guess. He's amazing.

8) Favourite animal.
Cats! They're awesome.

9) Favourite song.
Medusa by Kailee Morgue, it's amazing.

10) Favourite book.
I can never pick. Uhhh.
The PJO and HoO series by Rick Riordan.
These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling.
Any Goosebumps book by R.L Stine.


Just take three people pls.

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