The Police Station

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Prompt -
Santana is raped on her way home, and doesn't have the courage to go to the police *NEW YORK*
(Kurtcheltana/Hummelpezberry friendship, Quinntana friendship)

Santana numbly walks down the sidewalk towards the apartment. She's in a complete state of shock, lost in a train of thought. She makes her way to to the door, and takes a deep breath. She pushes the door open to Rachel's enthusiastic voice.

"Santana! Where have you been?" Rachel questions.

"Get off me!" Santana shouts, trying to kick whoever was on her off. She feels heat radiating off her cheek, and realises he slapped her.

"Shut the fuck up." He growls undoing his zipper.

"What happened?" Kurt says suspiciously, referring to her appearance. Her hair was all knotted, her clothes were slightly dirty and all ruffled up and most noticeably, she had a bruise beginning to form on her bright red cheek.

She ignore them and went to go try to sort herself out. She pulls the curtain across, covering her area of the apartment.

Kurt pulls the curtain back across and sees Santana's eyes start to water, leaving him shocked. In all his years of knowing Santana, he has not once seen her look so scared and beaten.

"San, what happened?" He says softly. She opens her mouth in an attempt to say something, but instead she lets out a strangled sob. Kurt waits no longer to rush over and pull her into his embrace.

"You're okay now," He whispers in her ear.

"What the fuck is going-" Rachel says while walking over to them, her face slightly dropping when she sees the scene in front of her.

"What's going on?"Rachel questions.

Kurt keeps on arm over Santana's shoulder and leads her over to the couch. Santana flinches back at Rachel's comforting hand making contact with her ice cold skin.

"You're freezing," Rachel states, and pulls a blanket over to cover Santana's legs.

Santana stares forwards with a dead straight face, Rachel and Kurt exchange worried glances, before deciding to speak up.

"San? What happened." Rachel says, gently dusting the small amount of dirt on Santana's face. Santana snaps out of the trance she was in and makes eye contact with Rachel.

"I- He-" Santana quietly stutters out. Kurt's eyes grow wide as he realised what most likely happened, shooting Rachel a concerned look.

"I was walking home and I-"

Santana feels a clammy hand gripping her arm, before she can react, she feels another hand slamming across her mouth. He lifts her slightly off the ground, and sidesteps into the pitch black alleyway.

"Then he-"

She feels his hand remove from her face, but before she can scream at the top of her lungs, she feels a sticky strip seal her lips shut, realising its duct tape. She feels his hot breath against the bare skin on her neck, sending shiver down her spine. She feels his hands start to roam her body, making their way down to the zipper of her skirt.

"I tried to get him off-"

She forcefully raises her knee, attempting to knee him in the balls, hopefully giving her enough time to run. She successfully knees him in the balls, but his grip is too strong for her to fight against.

"Naive, naive little girl," He growls, with a repulsive smirk forming on his smug face. This is one of the first times Santana has ever felt completely defenceless, powerless.

"He wouldn't get off then he-" She stopped, squeezing her eyes shut as hard as possible.

Slowly she opens her eyes, making eye contact with 2 worried sets of eyes. Kurt's face was unreadable, it was a mix of sympathy, anger, sadness and disgust. Where as Rachel had tears in her eyes and a sympathetic look on her face. Santana hated both of their eyes of her at such a vulnerable state. Santana had built up a badass reputation and a persona that she's has no emotion and is always known as the strongest person everyone knows, and that has all been destroyed in the 5 minutes she's been home.

"Oh Santana," Kurt says, Santana feels Rachel's arms constricting around her small frame, while Kurt rubs small circles on her back.

"San, you know we'll have to go to the police, right?" Rachel says carefully.

"And say what? This random dude you'll never be able to catch raped me?" Santana says raising her voice, "Just face it Rachel, this fuckers just gonna get away with it and I'll just look weak!" Santana shouts with tear beginning to fall from her eyes. She puts her hand over her mouth and closes her eyes, quietly sobbing into her hand.

Kurt quickly pulls her closer to him, and lets her cry into his shoulder.


Santana hasn't had any motivation for the next couple days, she's on the couch, binging The Kardashians, when she hears a knock on the door. She slowly makes her way to the door, and opens it, revealing Quinn. Santana's jaw drops while staring at her best friend standing in front of her.

"Tana," Quinn says in a sympathetic tone. Santana latches her arms around Quinn's neck. Quinn bumps her up slightly, so most of Santana's weight is on Quinn, and she sits on the sofa with Santana still on her.

"I've missed you so much," Quinn says to her, resting her head on top of Santana's.

Kurt and Rachel stand unnoticed by the curtained off area, watching this all unfold in awe. Nobody can make Santana as soft as Quinn can. They meet eyes with Quinn and she nudges Santana slightly, and she looks over at Rachel and Kurt as well, scrambling off Quinn.

"Hey guys," Quinn gets up to greet them with a hug.

"Did you guys invite her here?" Santana says with her eyes narrowed. Kurt and Rachel exchange glances, with answers the question for Santana.

"So you guys told her too?" Santana says with surprisingly no anger in her voice, more nervous.

"San you had to tell me at some point," Quinn reasons.

"No I didn't," Santana says under her breath.

"What did the police say?" Quinn says.

"Santana refused to go," Rachel tells her. Quinn's face looks annoyed,

"What the fuck? You knew Santana wouldn't agree to go to the police, you obviously have to force her to. She thinks if you go to the police you're weak, but you have to make her." Quinn rants, grabbing Santana's hand and her purse and making her way out of the apartment.

Quinn drags Santana down to the police station, to report it. Before reaching the door, Santana plants her feet into the ground, refusing to move in fear.

"Tana you know we have to report it," Quinn whispers.

"I know," Santana mumbles, barely audible. Quinn gives her a smile and they walk in, hand-in-hand.

"We'd like to report a case-"

22nd dec 2020

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