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it was 10:56am the next day and jisung was sat on the sofa, leg bouncing up and down nervously. "you'll be fine jisung" changbin who was sat next to him spoke, "even if it doesn't go very well, you're still getting free cheesecake"

the elder's attempt to calm the younger seemed to have momentarily worked as a giggle left jisung's lips and he leaned back into the sofa slightly. "that's true, i'll do anything for free food, especially if it's cheesecake"

a knock on the door echoed through the apartment, causing jisung to jump to his feet, "oh my god he's here, do i look okay?"
changbin chuckled lightly, "yes you look great, now go get that cheesecake"

jisung smiled at the elder and sped towards the door. he opened it to reveal minho who was wearing a white shirt, a leather jacket and some tight black jeans (which jisung thought made his thighs look incredible).
"hey baby" minho spoke, smiling at the blonde, "you look adorable"
heat rushed to jisung's cheeks, "t-thank you, you look great too"

the elder smiled wider before gently taking hold of the younger's hand and leading him towards his car. the pair got inside the black car, jisung extremely flustered by the fact minho had just held his hand. "you ready?" the brunette asked, putting his key into the ignition. the younger nodded in response, "where are we going?"
"my favourite café" minho replied proudly, "i really hope you'll like it there"

a few short minutes later the elder pulled into the car park of a retro themed café that jisung had never been to before. "wow, this place looks so nice" he spoke, admiring the decoration of the cosy building once they got inside.
"i'm glad you like it" minho giggled, "what do you want to order?"

the blonde scanned the menu below him, eventually deciding on strawberry cheesecake - his favourite. minho ordered the same for himself along with a couple of milkshakes. their orders soon arrived, the pair instantly making conversation. jisung was extremely grateful minho made sure he didn't feel awkward.

"so do you have a roommate or do you live alone?" the blonde questioned, sipping his milkshake.
"well i have no roommate but i don't live alone" minho replied, smiling as the younger's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "i have three cats at home, soonie, doongie and dori"
jisung gasped dramatically, nearly choking on the mouthful of milkshake he'd just swallowed, "no way! i love cats so much, i wish i could get one but changbin won't let me"
the pout that made its way to his lips made minho's heart melt, "you can come see them if you want, after we've finished here?"
the younger nodded excitedly, his pout quickly changing into a large smile.


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