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   "H-how are you alive?" I managed to ask, terrified by the sharpness of the blade that rested so close to my carotid.

   "Oh, see that's the thing about magical prisons! I can't die here. Believe me, I've tried plenty of times, plenty of ways. Now, if I let go are you going to play nice?"

I nodded. He let go, and I reeled back from him as I drew in deep, panicky breaths. My mind was racing, and I couldn't think of a plan of action.

   "Listen, I think that we got off on the wrong foot here-"

   "That's an understatement." I growled.

   "And, while your murder attempt was adorable, I think we need to be on better terms if we're going to be stuck here with one another. Unfortunately, you're not a way out, but you are, in fact, another person, albeit a strange one. Friends?"

   "Are you out of your mind?! You're a serial killer! You stalked me for a month, didn't show up until now, forcibly sucked some of my magic, made veiled threats on my life and ate all of my blackberry jam! No way!"

   "I mean, it's not a perfect foundation but hey, it's something."

   "You're fucking crazy." I said, shaking my head slowly as I backed away.

   "Won't you just give me a chance? Huh? I don't think anyone else is coming around, so you're my one shot at human interaction."

   "No! Get the hell out of my house!"

He paused to tilt his head at me, seemingly contemplating something.

   "Alright, fine, be that way."

He promptly turned around and left, shutting the door behind him with a little more force than what was needed. I tried to gather myself up after the sudden attack, and I quickly ran around the house and locked everything up. What the hell am I going to do now? This whole time I had been wishing for another person to show up, to be able to talk to someone other than myself, but Kai was not what I had in mind. Ugh, now I have to clean up all of this blood. I mopped it up off of the floor before I decided to give myself a scoop of each kind of ice cream. Fuck it. Remembering the candles I had come across a couple of days ago in one of the kitchen drawers, I stuck them in the scoops and lit them. I softly sang happy birthday to myself before I blew them out and watched the wispy plumes of smoke curl up into the air. I licked the ice cream off of the candles before I put them in the sink and sighed at the pitiful nature of my one-woman birthday celebration. Grabbing a spoon, I carried the ice cream with me into the living room, and decided to watch Mrs. Doubtfire- Robin Williams always cheered me up.

   Clang! I was startled awake by the sudden noise, and as my bleary eyes adjusted I realized that I had fallen asleep in front of the TV, the empty ice cream bowl resting haphazardly in my lap. Ugh, what was that? I heard further commotion coming from the kitchen, and I gathered myself up before I made my way into it. Nothing could have prepared me for the scene that I happened upon. What...the...heck? Kai was bustling around the kitchen, wearing a light blue floral apron as he attended to bacon crackling in a pan on the stove. Sensing my presence, he glanced up at me and grinned.

   "Hey, you're up! Apologies if I woke you. Take a seat."

I froze into place at the odd sight before me, struck absolutely dumbfounded. Am I dreaming? Is this really happening right now? I pinched myself to make sure.

   "Ow." I said softly.

I was, in fact, awake.

   "Go ahead, sit sit!", he encouraged me.

1994~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now