Chapter 13

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the last chapter was absolutely horrendous 😭😭😭 i'll be making this one with the best of my writing ability as an apology



"Well done rookie," Captain Yami said to (Y/n), "you earned us a star. The Wizard King also sent you some books with that star."

"Huh?! May I ask how?" (Y/n) questioned.

"You went to Hage the other day and stopped the guys who were kidnapping someone."

"Oh right, but I didn't do much there," she sweats dropped. "The Wizard King sent me books? Well, he's quite quick."

"Yeah," Captain Yami pointed at the door, "the books are in that box over there. Take them, I don't want them laundering over there anymore."

"Yes sir."

(Y/n) took the box of books and headed towards her room.

"Goddamn, just how many books are in here?" She said as she placed the box on her desk, "well then, it seems like I have something to pass my time with."

All-day, (Y/n) spent her time reading and translating the books. It took hours translating just a small percentage of the books the Wizard King gave to her.

"Oh my, this so gonna take forever at this pace." As she said that, her grimoire started to float and flip to a random blank page.

A white light began to shine from the said page; words began to be scribbled along with the page.

The light disappeared and the book closed. Her grimoire plopped back onto the desk. (Y/n) grabbed the book and flipped to the said page.

Hermes: Flash Scan
Magic glasses will appear allowing you to read and translate words at an extremely quick pace

"This is extremely useful, now I can go all through these books in no time!" She exclaimed.

He sent many, many, many books. It took (Y/n) many days to read them all.


"Listen up, a report just came in saying that a new dungeon was discovered." Captain Yami announced.

"A dungeon!!?!? For real?!??"

"Whoaa!!! So what's a dungeon?" Asta asked.

"You're really stupid ya know Asta." (Y/n) said as she pinched the brim of her nose.

"Whaaaat?! You seriously don't know what a dungeon is!?" Magna yelled.

"A dungeon is a structure where ancient artifacts and relics lay. These dungeons have very important information and many types of ancient magic. Within them, there are magic traps to prevent intruders from stealing the artifacts that once belonged to ancient people." (Y/n) states.

"Correct. Because of the many dangerous traps, and the threat of people using those magic items for evil, Magic Knights are given the task of investigating the dungeon." Vanessa said.

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